ETF's long term?

Discussion in 'ETFs' started by R33C0, May 8, 2021.

  1. R33C0


    Are the proshares ETF’s (TQQQ, UPRO, UDOW etc.) ok for long term investing?

    Or are they just for day/swing trading?
    murray t turtle likes this.
  2. ph1l


    They're ok if you are running one of them, but maybe not for investors.
    murray t turtle and Nobert like this.
  3. guru


    Their performance isn't a secret so you can simply look at their past performance and decide whether that's something for you. They're definitely doing very well long-term, but drawdowns can be traumatizing, and a bear market could be catastrophic:
    murray t turtle likes this.
  4. Nobert


    murray t turtle likes this.
  5. %%
    Those do terrible with trend changes or in sideways slop chop markets;
    SPY +QQQ will do better then. BY the way/ 2009 was super trend for QQQ/tqqq. ETFs are not a bet + i dont care how many times the WSJ calls them that. IF any think markets are the same as Las Vegas bets \ try winning by card counting + we'll see the big difference..............
    They dont pay much of dividend, so did an exit on TQQQ today. Thanks
    Nobert likes this.