ET weight loss thread.

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Gambit, Dec 18, 2017.

  1. Gambit


    I want to pre empt the new year and start a weight loss thread. I weight ~200 right now. I've lost over 60 lbs so far ( I was a SIF, secret internet fattie :) ) and my goal is to get to 175.

    Week 1 goal, lose 2-3 lbs. Will report back in a week.
    DTB2 likes this.
  2. Gambit


    Come on guys. Fatties of ET unite :D
  3. just dont eat
  4. Weight gain is an inferior, or defective, psychological or life or character condition. -- so it's important you remedy the root cause of things will be relatively smooth sailing, with little to no obstructions.

    Kind of the same thing with problem drinkers, smokers, binge eaters, gamblers, sexaholics, cheaters, shoppers, swearing/profanity alot, racial or social class or political or religious intolerances, wife or pet beaters, or whatever. etc etc

    Free Your Mind.
    Make Trading Great Again 2018...High-Five`
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  5. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    2 - 3 lbs in the first week sounds like a pretty ambitious goal. Good luck!
  6. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    I'm just curious. What's your height and age?
  7. Gambit


    5'5, late 30s.
  8. Gambit


    I've been losing roughly 1lb a week currently. But if my bmr and caloric intake numbers are right, this should be doable.
  9. Gambit


    Thanks Baron.
  10. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    So what's been your weight loss strategy up until this point? Sixty pounds is no joke to lose so congrats on that.
    #10     Dec 19, 2017