Et Teabagger Thread

Discussion in 'Politics' started by fkbsuhites, Apr 18, 2010.

  1. Wallet


    Because if some of them poor stupid uncolleged rejects didn't join arms and take a stand and do what they really didn't want too, you'd be speaking German now.
    #41     Apr 19, 2010
  2. Why would the Iraqis want us to speak German ???
    #42     Apr 19, 2010
  3. Wallet


    Most of the recent discussion involved an earlier picture of a Veteran, which imo, looks service period WWII, perhaps Korean?

    Regardless of theater, when a person takes up a weapon, putting themselves in harms way in service to their country, it says something, which imo is more deserving than being called stupid or reject.
    #43     Apr 19, 2010
  4. Lucrum


    More than once, only they don't rhyme. So why would you keep repeating it?

    Actually it's easier than you may think. Many of us conservatives do it every day right here in P&R.
    It's nice to know you supposedly tolerant and peace loving liberals approve of violence against your fellow American political rivals.

    As it turns out I have no compunction about it myself. And I actually keep a ball bat in my car just for such occasions. Aluminum with rubber grips. I figure it'll be easier to hold onto after the handle gets wet with blood spatter.

    Question, have you called The office of Homeland Security yet and reported these evil tea baggers? I'm sure they're up to something.
    LOL :D
    Or is there no answer cause they're still laughing at you from the last time you called?
    #44     Apr 19, 2010
  5. After seeing multiple threads in this section accusing tea partiers of being racists for such things as

    a. asking why the president has spent a fortune keeping his birth certificate a secret

    b. black legislators making <s>unfounded</s> lying accusations that they were called n*igger,

    we are treated to a thread whereby the tea partiers are called "teabaggers", a term that according to urban dictionary, describes a vile sexual act.

    In other words, the cat is out of the bag. We now know <b>just what kind of people</b> dislike tea partiers.

    Thanks, fkbushites!

    Keep up the good work!

    :D :D :D
    #45     Apr 19, 2010
  6. Are you saying that teabagging is also a Birther movement?
    #46     Apr 19, 2010
  7. Judging by the posters, placards and slogans early in the "movement," I would say yes. Since that time, they tried to clean up their act, but the cat is already out of the teabag. As I noted elsewhere, Fred may now wear a different hat, but he's still Fred.
    #47     Apr 19, 2010
  8. A birther is always a teabagger.

    They rank the lowest of the republicunt electoral barrel.

    Neocons <- guys with the "Fuck America let's destroy it quietly" mentality. The leaders/Brains of the republicunts who tell the lowlifes below them what to do.

    Rebublican elite <- guys with large corporations who don't pay taxes and fund the Neocon mental masturbation aka policies that the Republicunts in congress then pass into law.

    Teabaggers <- the morons we see on TV. They'll cash in their medicare check. but don't want anyone else to have the same benefits.

    And the lowest of the barrel:

    The Birther <-- plain 'ol congenital retard. Most have IQ's of a sloth

    #48     Apr 19, 2010
  9. I relish the day. It'll make for good stress relief. Personally I prefer a large framing hammer. Nice and heavy and cleans well.

    The Union soldiers didn't do the job right the first time around. Now the lowlifes breeding like rabbits have over-run the sane part of the population.

    What do you call a lowlife who hasn't worked in years and fights to cut taxes for his wealthy neocon master.

    A Teagagger

    With No Jobs, Plenty of Time for Tea Party

    SOUTH BEND, Ind. — When Tom Grimes lost his job as a financial consultant 15 months ago, he called his congressman, a Democrat, for help getting government health care.

    Then he found a new full-time occupation: Tea Party activist.

    In the last year, he has organized a local group and a statewide coalition, and even started a “bus czar” Web site to marshal protesters to Washington on short notice. This month, he mobilized 200 other Tea Party activists to go to the local office of the same congressman to protest what he sees as the government’s takeover of health care.

    See the trend?!

    They're for "lower taxes and smaller govt." yet will vote for any republicunt who will hand out taxpayer funds to their neocon masters.

    He's for his own govt. assistance. But is fighting to keep others from getting any.

    That's the average teagagger.

    Geriatric filth.

    Good odds they will all be dead within the next 10 year. Good riddance.

    #49     Apr 19, 2010
  10. There's a reason the word Teagagger rhymes with the word maggot.

    Are you really worried about where he was born? I think not.


    btw. the president didn't spend a dime on anything you suggested.

    Why are you not worried about a guy who really was born outside America? the guy born in Panama you voted for president. John McCain.

    What do you have to say about that?

    Btw: You geriatric fools call yourselves teagaggers. The rest of us laugh when you complain about that now.


    #50     Apr 19, 2010