ET Call Home

Discussion in 'Journals' started by game, Apr 18, 2020.

  1. game


    Just a place to share a half baked trading plan and hopefully get it ready to serve.
  2. Overnight


    "ET Phone home" is how it went in the movie.

    Baron likes this.
  3. game


    I really need to see this movie! Maybe over the next few days.

    The title is in reference to a username here on ET....just makes me smile when I here it.
  4. Overnight


    Go out and buy a few pounds of Reese's Pieces to watch the movie with.
    game likes this.
  5. gaussian


    No no you have it all wrong.

  6. Overnight


    Oy! Have you even seen ET: The Extra Terrestrial? *smack*
    gaussian likes this.