eSignal Upgrades

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by syd697, Nov 10, 2005.

  1. syd697


  2. syd697,

    We don't have a central resource that illustrates the various changes that have been implemented per each version of eSignal. Each version contains a "Read Me" file outlining the changes specific to that build. With each new release of eSignal, we frequently outline the changes in our Knowledge Base. The Knowledge Base can be searched by keyword, which in this case would be 7.4, 7.5 and so on.
  3. syd697,

    Shortly after my initial post, I came across one of the threads on theeSignal Forums that outlines the various bug fixes and new feature implementations that are added to each respective version of eSignal. You may want to subscribe to this specific thread to stay up to date with new additions and bug fixes. Thanks.

    eSignal Release Notes and New Features

    eSignal Community Support