Esignal ain't what it's cracked up to be

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by bundlemaker, Jun 9, 2003.

  1. eSignal Support

    eSignal Support eSignal

    eSignal Users,

    We have seen an increase in wait times over the past few weeks and we're making several adjustments to get those wait times down to our standard levels ASAP. As mentioned here, we did make some changes in Service and Support recently. These changes included:

    * The introduction of 24 hour email support. We now work on email responses around the clock from 3:00 pm PT each Sunday until 4:00 pm PT each Friday. This has allowed us to dramatically increase the response rate for all incoming emails.

    * We are in the process of launching eSignal University, which will primarily allow us to offer free, live and interactive web-based training. We've already held one class on using the new features in version 7.3 and that should be availabe as an archive by the end of the week. The plan is to conduct training sessions on all aspects of eSignal so customers can join a session, see eSignal shared in real-time and ask questions....just like a live classroom.

    * We've hired new Technical Support staff in both Hayward and London.

    In addition to handling phone calls, LiveRep inquiries and emails, we continue to devote resources to assisting customers throughout the day on eSignal Central. If anyone here needs any specific help, we will be happy to work with you individually until the problem is resovled to your satisfaction.

    All these changes were put in place to maximize our resources and address the evolving needs of our customers. As we continue our aggressive product development and add more and more functionality to eSignal, customers have continually asked for more training so they can take full advantage of the power of eSignal. We think eSignal University will help us take one big step towards addressing that need. In addition, with long-distance rates as low as 2-3 cents per minute, the financial impact to the average customer by switching from toll-free to toll service is projected to be just a few dollars each year. We felt the additional service offerings justified these changes.

    If you have any further questions, please feel free to PM me or email me direct at

    #41     Jun 9, 2003
  2. opw


    About E-signal:

    I loved the Qcharts application, but hated the datafeed delay during busy times compared to IB.

    Due to all the positive comments I decided to try E-signal. I am only using the datafeed with IR/T. E-signal works a lot better with Investor IR/T than Qcharts.

    Though the data speed is better than Qcharts during busy times there is a trade off: the dreaded symbol limit.

    And E-signal is behind IB too, sometimes 5 seconds or more, but most of the time it is not more than 1 sec.

    I do not really care for the E-signal charting package. Qcharts is still the best imo... Love the hotlists (100 symbols each) and the intuitive interface.

    If Qcharts speed during the best time of the day (busy mornings) would be better, I would go back immedeately.

    Never used support though, never needed to.
    #42     Jun 9, 2003
  3. Ensign has what? I looked at their website and could find no reference to tick bar charts or subminute bar intervals.

    Its a windows product whose charting seems to lag what esignal has in advanced charts, so why pay $40/mo more?
    #43     Jun 9, 2003
  4. Ditch


    User-defined tick bars, i am not too familiair with adv. charts, but what does that offer ensign doesn't?
    #44     Jun 9, 2003
  5. Ditch


    #45     Jun 9, 2003
  6. Chuck -

    In all fairness, I've posted there and a couple of times the problem went unanswered.

    At least a response like "We have no solution" or "we're aware of the problem and we're working on it" instead of letting it die on the vine.
    #46     Jun 9, 2003
  7. Chuck (and other esignal staff),

    Suggesting we post on the forum is passing the buck. Period.

    When it's the middle of the trading day and I have a problem, it needs to be addressed NOW.

    That doesn't mean, necessarily that a solution is immediate. But you should at least try. As the way things stand, I can't even get your attention.

    For instance: the chat people are juggling multiple customers at one time.


    The people running your company must be brainless twits. Multiply what I pay per month times maybe 10 or 20 years and that's a HUGE amount of dough. I used to sell $500 wash machines and the customers demanded and got far better service than what you're offering someone who has the potential to spend tens of thousands of dollars with esignal.
    #47     Jun 9, 2003
  8. The only problems with IB feed /QT is the very limited historical data.

    And also the faulty high/low/change data.

    I was going to switch to Esignal but all these complaints have me spooked.
    God help me if I end up back @ QCharts. Maybe Tradestation is the ticket.

    #48     Jun 9, 2003
  9. Chuck_T

    Chuck_T eSignal

    Well, you have got our attention, what can we help you with?

    Chuck Thompson
    President, eSignal
    #49     Jun 9, 2003
  10. Well I must admit I also have to complain about eSignal.

    They used to be very nice with me 1 year ago when I was a new customer, listening to my feedback for new features, answering the mail I was sending to and, correcting bugs and so on... I was very satisfied at this time of their customer support.

    Now that I have the status of 'old' customer the situation has changed. I have sent them 6 emails with feature ideas and got no thank you at all, I have reported a major bug on 7.4 beta 1 and 2 (not present in 7.3) and it seems they don't care (they prefer to add new toys than correct issues in EFS)...
    #50     Jun 9, 2003