eSignal 8.0, 8.1 & QCharts

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Chuck_T, Mar 14, 2006.

  1. Chuck_T, will there be an option to cache data locally in v8? e.g., if i want to review the monthly, weekly and daily charts of a portfolio of a 100 stocks, can i load all the data into my machine and then review it offline?

    #101     May 12, 2006
  2. eSignal Support

    eSignal Support eSignal

    Hey Dealer,

    MEFF is now available in two seperate Exchange offerings. We got contract approval and were able to get it ready in time for the 8.0 release. Check out the notice on eSignal Central.

    #102     May 16, 2006
  3. JayF_eSignal

    JayF_eSignal eSignal

    The first few versions of the 8 Series won't have this, but this has been requested before and is on the list of items to be looked at for future releases. Thanks.
    #103     May 17, 2006
  4. cmaxb


    I e-mailed these people twice. Never got a demo.
    #104     May 17, 2006
  5. I went to the website and clicked the Try MultiCharts button to sign up. I got an automated email immediately with the info for using the software. If you signed up the same way, maybe the email was flagged as spam and you didn't see it.

    I'm not that impressed with the application other than the fact that you could have multiple feeds and brokers. It was very clumsy trying to navigate through changes and figuring out how to select different feeds for the symbols. It looks like it has potential and worth keeping an eye on, but not something I'd want to trade on yet, or pay the price for at this time.


    #105     May 17, 2006