eSignal 7.4 & 7.5 features

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by Chuck_T, Jun 21, 2003.

  1. Chuck_T

    Chuck_T eSignal

  2. Chuck_T

    Chuck_T eSignal

    Lots of great new features coming as part of 7.4 in July. We are focusing on more data and more functionality our users are asking for. Check this list out ....


    Expanded Fundamental Data -- A complete offering of fundamentals across all trading instruments.

    New Asian/Pacific Rim Data -- Real-time and delayed data from Australia, New Zealand, Sydney, Singapore and Hong Kong, plus history.

    Expanded European/African Data -- Real-time and delayed data from the Italian Derivatives, Athens and Johannesburg exchanges.

    World Indices -- 50 market indices from around the world.

    $PREM and $EPREM -- Updates in real-time.


    These enhancements will address the needs of our futures traders:

    Market Profile in Advanced Charts -- Previously only available in standard charts, Market Profile is now supported in the Advanced Charts.

    Futures Spreads Calculations -- Plot spreads in various chart-types, including candlestick and open-high-low-close.

    Point and Figure -- Now available on tick charts.

    Contract highs and lows -- 52 week high and low on futures contracts.

    Fast Market Indicator.


    Customize Your Trading Ticket (a.k.a. Generic Broker) -- Customize your trading ticket and attach it to any eSignal window to execute trades the way you like.

    Enhanced Paper Trading -- now supports new order entry features available through Generic Broker.


    Saving Pages -- Manage your windows in eSignal by using layouts or pages. Now you have the ability to save pages, and not just layouts, so you can easily flip from page to page, a favorite of Advanced GET users.

    New Line Tools -- Draw line tools on tick charts.

    Multiple Symbol Linking - Link sets of windows to one another selectively so you can quickly change from symbol to symbol in multiple windows at the same time.

    Interval Linking -- Link charts together so that you can apply one time interval to multiple charts at the same time.

    Tick Playback -- Playback data on a chart, tick by tick, to look for short term patterns or opportunities

    Keyboard Customization -- Use pre-defined keys to help you quickly access frequently used features and functionality.

    Enhanced Pop-Out Windows -- Always-on-top feature now available on pop-out windows.

    New Time & Sales Window -- Improved filters and the ability to color code values for easy interpretation.


    ActiveX Tool Set -- Develop your own application using quotes and tick and history data in any language, quickly and easily. Also includes the ability to send data to a trading platform and receive trading status back into eSignal.

    Bulletin Message - Alert users to special events including WebEx sessions and Chats.


  3. I like your product the way it is. However, during the past few weeks, Esignal has been freezing a lot. Much more than previously. It looks like I am not the only one experiencing this type of problems from reading the posts on this board. Please, slow down on adding new features and take some time make it more stable. Who wants to drive a Ferrari with a broken engine?
  4. Chuck_T

    Chuck_T eSignal

    We have multiple teams working on eSignal at the same time so we are able to work on multiple features and get releases out quicker. eSignal 7.5 will follow 7.4 fairly fast in August with these features being already nearly complete:


    CME Market Depth -- Market depth available on all CME GLOBEX electronic trading issues, includes the top 5 Bids/Asks.

    CBOT Market Depth -- A complete view of buy and sell orders that are pending on the CBOT's electronic trading system.

    NYSE Liquidity Data (NYLQ) -- NYSE LiquidityQuote is an enhancement to NYSE OpenBook. While NYSE OpenBook shows the depth of the limit-order book at all price points, the LiquidityQuote provides trading access to that depth and includes additional interest in the crowd and by the Specialist.

    Extended Intraday Data (yes, its coming!).


    New & Enhanced Integrated Brokers -- Trade seamlessly through eSignal to select direct access or web based brokers. More integrated brokers coming!!


    News Manager Enhancements.

    Scanner Integration - Fully integrate the eSignal Market Scanners into eSignal to allow the scanning results to be seamlessly integrated into the Quote window.


    Office Caching Server - helps offices with multiple users manage bandwidth.

    More News Services via ComStock -- eSignal will now receive news via the ComStock feed, including International news feeds.


    Visit us @

  5. Chuck_T

    Chuck_T eSignal


    We agree, a release is worthless if it doesn't focus on bugs just as much as features. If you are having trouble, please post on our forums so you can help us help you. A lot of times users post on Elite about a problem and then won't respond to our PMs trying to help them. Kind of hard to figure out their problem then ...

    Below is a list of fixes put through in 7.3 and so far in 7.4.


    · File I/O in EFS had some bugs pertaining to EOF conditions with the methods: exists, eof, and readln methods.
    · Alert.* EFS functions now work with computeonclose(true).
    · Alert.playSound works for absolute paths, as well as the eSig sound root.
    · bumped up the limit on formulas in the menu
    · Jurik: Cumulative Memory less of 4K each time.???? (think it is due to GC)
    · MESA: I still cannot control the color of the MESA Sine Indicator.
    · Fibonacci Ext and Ret - ability for ray's instead of segment (extend lines)
    · Added function to fix issue for Mark Jurik: setPlotType {PLOTTYPE_INSTANTCOLORLINE, "PLOTTYPE_INSTANTCOLORLINE", 0, {0,0,0}},
    · need to add a call setColorPriceBars)
    · localize elliot count in toolbar
    · Removed ellipse and MOB specific line tool functions
    · can not select EFS added lines
    · edit bar data
    · xor issues on lines added 2 chart???
    · added savePicture
    · fixed mob coloring
    · improved auto mob
    · Added closed color for ellipse
    · Fixed ellipse issue with long term do to marker, not the body.
    · Bar Edit: rt bars needed to set pbflags to 0
    · Bar Edit: reset bar, did not remove magenta in grid
    · edit studies caused all formula to be reinit.
    · fixed formula browser be a sizable window (mru list)
    · Added sound alert on ellipse
    · after editing bars, wasn’t updating all related charts.
    · when price closes in MOB, needed a flag so it doesn't keep reprocessing
    · issue with dlgformulaopen and MRU
    · Couldn’t remove a Line Tool with Delete key on keyboard
    · Fixed Hollow Candlesticks to show color of price bar formulas- Run the Tether efs (or XTL or any study that paints price bars) and change the chart to candlesticks. Edit Studies and change UP candles to Hollow. Now notice that the up candles in a trend can only be identified by the color of the wick. If one uses a thin wick it is not an easy task to accomplish. Notice that the color of the body reflects the paint bar.
    · Needed a better File Open dialog, files of type (alpha order)
    · get spikes to zero when loading weekly mutual funds
    · crash issue with m_pbFlags
    · bug with the Fib Ext where they disappear and no longer reappear after you have saved the chart.
    · Edit Bar issue - If you download Tick Bars the Edit Bar function gets triggered all over the map on that chart even if I did not invoke it.
    · If the cursor is to the right of the last bar the values in the cursor window do not update in real time
    · chris f.eof not working (found and fixed) check for null when calling readln
    · f.exists now works
    · Added a way to do a reload while not in main, this include repaint (timer)
    · Added a way to be able to invoke askForInput from a click function
    · Fixed askForInput bug when you press OK it keeps popping up
    · Alert List poped up on start up without alerts, changed it to not popup
    · made a quick adjustment to esdoc::Serialize - check 4 the open tag in load
    · chat no longer displays user join/leave (they can always look at the userlist).
    · Alert EFS functions now work with computeonclose(true).
    · Alert.playSound works for absolute paths, as well as the eSig sound root.
    · Issue with Localize Elliott - If I applied Localize Elliott then any time I go to Edit Studies - even if to edit a moving average only - it will remove the Localize.
    · CNR: EFS Crash
    function preMain() { }

    function main() {
    return result;
    · Popout issues - Think painting problem is due to OnPaint in frames (ws_clipchildren)
    · Internet viewer was not showing buttons (need to size properly)
    · QuoteBoard had same issue (WS_CLIPCHILDREN)
    · painting issues (especially in SM) WS_CLIPCHILDREN
    · bar editor bug with Daily and new bar
    · bug on ellipse w/centerpoints (settextcolor)
    · T&S windows not saving in layout
    · When you close the Global Cursor window by clicking the X, the drop down menu under "View" still showed that the window is still active/open which it wasn’t.
    · Global Cursor window had an outline of another box within it. Looks to be the regular cursor box outline because when you move it, the outline disappears.
    · QuoteBoard vertical sizing not working properly
    · exposed bid, ask, bidvol, askvol, istrade to EFS engine
    Needed to add something so you know if running in a chart, backtesting, .... so you can turn off certain EFS stuff.
    { JSCONTEXT_CHART, "CONTEXT_CHART", 0, {0,0,0}},
    { JSCONTEXT_ALERT, "CONTEXT_ALERT", 0, {0,0,0}},
    · Needed to be able to redock floating windows
    · MESA display issue: needed to test an advanced formula folder in conjunction with their studies
    askForInput() bug. if I use addLineTool() to draw a circle and then call up askForInput(), the circle vanishes after the askForInput dialog closes....if I scroll the chart a little, the circle comes back.
    · added support for drawTextPixel
    · added cx/cy as last parameters to drawText functions.
    cx|cy=0 uses size of text
    cy|cy < 0 is "A" * nCX
    cy|cy > 0 is raw pixels
    · added getTextWidth(...) and getTextHeight(...)
    where ... is text,[fontname],[fontsize]
    · fixed some bugs with setBar
    · If Global Cursor Window is open, the refresh (Ctrl+OK) of all other Cursor Windows no longer worked.
    · To help alleviate some cpu, this was added to JavaScriptContext::RegisterSymbol(...)
    if(!m_bAllDataReceived) {

    · added some logic in VerticalAxisFormula to prevent double iteration of text/shapes/images in regards to on top
    · converted text/shapes/image in JS engine to Maps (from CArrays) for more efficient handling/updating.
    · fixed bug with REF
    · Regional Options - Sorting for Regional Options does not take closed into account
    · Initial Dump does not go to the ticker ( for all data sources )
    · Bug: Moving columns was not being saved properly. Serialization Bug.
    · quote board thermometer no longer backwards
    · QB: CNR: When you select QuoteBoard properties, color changes don't display after you click OK
    · QB: To the left of change now shows a + or - sign. we were only displaying a - sign
    · Fix for Hooks.SetApplication case sensitive username compare
    · Found playSound bug
    if (sFile.Find(":\\") != -1) {
    · Found resource issue in QB
    · when playing back, jump forward didn't properly reset button states
    · IB cancelling fixed.
    · Increased MA offset to 10000
    · addBand fixes so BGColor doesn't overlay it (PS_ONTOP)
    · get wingdings fixed.

    · MESA Fixes to allow multiple uses of each indicator on a single layout
    · colors for the individual MOBs (the ones already applied through Get Tools) could no longer be changed as they once used to.
    · Fixed issue with daily chart left up overnight. The next AM showed the charts with today’s bar combined with yesterday (ie: there was one long red bar labeled 5/13 instead of two small red bars labeled the 13th and the 14th.
    · Fixed gaps in GET studies (JTI)
    · Fixed invalid symbol message when doing spreads on linked charts
    · 1P chart had an issue where it didn’t create a true 1P chart
    · Fixed EFS Updates

  6. Chuck_T

    Chuck_T eSignal

  7. Neil


    Chuck, one of the few things I miss in esignal is the lack of industry/sector info.. is this included in the above improvement?

  8. Chuck_T

    Chuck_T eSignal


    I'll get the list of fields included and post next week.

  9. Hi Chuck,
    I use exchange filtered quotes alot ex. IBM=N and have a 1 min, 5min and daily chart linked.

    The problem is when I use an exchange filtered sysmbol the daily chart does not fill in, it stays blank.

    Can eSignal build into a future release a way for the daily chart to fill in when using exchange filtering, maybe there is a way for the application to override the =n at the end of the linked daily chart. Then the chart could still fill in using composite data.

  10. mkmps


    I want to be able to use more than 3 symbols per advanced spread chart. I mean how hard it would be to de-limit from current limitations of 3 symbols per spread chart.
    #10     Jun 21, 2003