I think this is the first time... Hopefully my numbers are all right. THIS ROCKS. ALL PITS ARE DEAD. CLOSE OUT THE NYSE FLOOR.
I wonder how much volume it would take to justify a .10 tick size. 2 million.....2 billion....... You won't kill the floor until the tick size is reduced.
And a cut in Globex fees. Much more expensive to trade 5 ES vs. 1 SP. You can bet your bippy that Eurex is working on a proxy for the traditional benchmark U.S. indices.
No No please not cut the tick size... Sorry, but I am fine with it. I fear it could take the same way as decimalization. The fees should be lowered ASAP !!!!
Yeah Rocks -- the GLOBEX right out of business!!!! They need to get their infrastructure together to justify their cost at this volume.
http://www.cbot.com/cbot/dow/cont_detail/0,2614,4+15167,00.html so when do you think the ym will hit 6 figs?