ES overnight question

Discussion in 'Options' started by IndyJonerJr, Mar 26, 2018.

  1. Hi guys,

    wondering in ES. I wonder if the contracts that expire that day, if you are still charged overnight margin fees? I notice they clear the second market "closes" but wondering if it counts against you on margin for holding it?

    I guess I ask this as it seems to me it's more advantageous to hold ES over SPX if you are talking day expiration, and holding them? as SPX would be charged margin overnight?

  2. MattZ

    MattZ Sponsor

    Anything that goes past 5 EST requires the full margin as dictated by the CME for the ES.
  3. Overnight


    What Matt Said, plus...ES future contracts don't "expire" each day. They expire only once, on the Thursday before the 3rd Friday of that contract's month. So next up is ESM18, on June 14th.
  4. Beautiful. Thank you guys

    As for the contract. Sorry. I was meaning options contract. I thought to put all fixtures options in this section rather then the futures section???
  5. I guess thinking about this I’m confused. As you can trade the option up until expiration past 5... but then technically day of expiration you cannot. So... which is it.

    Are you being charged margin fee for holding expiring option that day if it closes that day?