Eric Holder: We Need Tough Penalties For Gun Traffickers

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. pspr


    Duhhhh. Shouldn't you start by arresting the guy you see in the mirror every morning, Eric?

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  2. Lucrum


    Eric Holder: "We Need Tough Penalties For Gun Traffickers"

    Timothy Geithner: We need tough penalties for tax cheats

    Obama: We need tough penalties for marijuana smokers.

    Clinton: We need tough penalties for felony perjury.

    Mrs Clinton: We need tough penalties for woman with thunder thighs.
  3. If there were such penalties, KFC would have to discontinue the "Hilary Bucket". (2 big thighs, 2 small breasts, and a left wing.)
  4. pspr


    LOL That's good. I'm sure IQ-47 picks up one of those for dinner a couple times a week.