Eric Holder- Fucktard Incarnate

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TreeFrogTrader, Dec 12, 2019.

  1. Speaking of flies on your potato salad at the picnic that you thought you nailed once and for all and then they return.......

    Eric Holder.

    Lookee here - and see who is trying to convince people that he is still alive and relevant.

    I guess those fifty attempts to run his flag up the pole and see if anyone would salute and say "you would make a great dem candidate" have not worked out so far.

    Loser. Just complete commie shiite.

    Eric Holder says Barr 'unfit' to serve as attorney general
    Snarkhund likes this.
  2. WeToddDid2


    Sounds like Holder is scared. I wonder what is is scared about.

    This is an example of the bullshit tactic that libtards use over and over again. Some libtard slanders a person that they don't want the public to listen to because they don't want the truth to come out. Then all the dumbass libtard sheeple fall right in line and regurgitate that they person is unfit, etc. every time that person comes out with anything they don't like.
    Snarkhund likes this.
  3. The tards keep dissing Barr for getting kind of porky in the belly these days.

    What they don't know is that that fat is actually high performance fuel.

    WeToddDid2 likes this.
  4. This is pretty rich. Worst, most corrupt AG in history is criticizing Barr. I suppose Comey will be weighing in on J. Edgar Hoover next.
  5. WeToddDid2


  6. RRY16


    Treetardtrader, WeTardDic2 and GrAAAnyintheButtway are all the same commie bot spewing the same whine day in and day out.
  7. WeToddDid2


    It is called the truth. Libtards hate the truth and facts.
  8. Snarkhund


    Fast and Furious keeps coming up in testimony as an example of DOJ abuse. Holder seems to be trying to get out in front of it.
    WeToddDid2 and TreeFrogTrader like this.
  9. I admire the subtle way he is threatening to use the race card but hasn't gone to it yet. Polished move, unlike the way it is waved around by crude thugs like Stacey Abrams and Andrew Gillum. In fairness, the man has had a lifetime's experience perfecting being an upscale race hustler.





  10. LacesOut


    After midnight - it all turns to dick.
    which he will use to pound away at the seditious Libtards who perpetrated this scandal.
    #10     Dec 12, 2019