Eric Bolling: D****bag

Discussion in 'Politics' started by JamesL, Jul 15, 2011.

  1. ride winners, cut losers short, the whole of trading, but easier said than done, except et where everyone has a 98% win ratio. Like you said he was one of if not the largest natural gas players. I bet his greatest skill was being just smart enough to listen and DO what his mentor told him to do. It makes me laugh when people say he had a good spot in the pit, is stupid, etc. How many guys are millionaires from the CBOE that didn't go to college, there were quite a few, same with the merc and CBOT. It is true that not everyone can make a "living" trading, most people can't throw a 95 mile an hour fastball either. Fact is a lucky dumbass could have thrown 50 grand at some GOOG lottery tickets the other day and made a killing. Just remember if you make any real money trading people think you are lucky or have a good spot in the pit, LOL!:p
    #31     Jul 16, 2011
  2. He mis-spoke, so what. I was hoping that Eric would grow into his role, but he just doesn't seem comfortable. He try's too hard to be provocative with his political comments and it just doesn't work for him.
    Far as his trading goes, I don't think you can stay in the game as long as he did based on dumb luck alone. Markets change too much and when they do, you best have something in your toolbox besides luck. Found that out for myself, the hard way.
    #32     Jul 17, 2011