Equity Trading's New Software

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by Short Squeezed, Nov 15, 2001.

  1. Greetings all - I am hoping to start a new thread that will be clean and free of bashing. I am a former Redi trader and RealTick Trader. I am now with EquityTrading.com. I am not asking you to join them or not to join them.

    I am using their new software platform InstaQuote and I love it. It's cheaper than RealTick and I cant beat the commissions. I am paying only $8.95 plus free software. The service has been great and I have no objections or concerns with this firm. But I will not use this thread as a solicitation tool.

    I would like to create a thread where we can share our software information, screen setups and features with each other. I have been told that Equity is releasing a Password protected site with this content but I thought we should have an open for other users with other brokers.

    Please reply if you are interested in starting this thread with me. I will begin posting features I like and ideas if we can get this going.

    There is so much great info on this site - I hope we can bring some here. BUT PLEASE - STRICTLY SOFTWARE. :)


    :) :p