equipment for taking a picture of an entire train

Discussion in 'Science and Technology' started by zdreg, Sep 24, 2018.

  1. zdreg


    what kind of camera and lens would you use. how much would the equipment weigh?
  2. zdreg



    a long time ago it was done with a 1500 pound camera without stitching pictures.

    what kind of camera and lens could be used today and how much would the equipment weigh?
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2018
  3. destriero


    Wait... this thread isn't about Kavanaugh at Georgetown Prep and/or Yale? nvm.
  4. tango29


    Yeah, I'm guessing a bit smaller these days. Considering we were taking pictures from 70,000- 80,000 ft at a speed of about Mach 3 and could read the number on the back of prisoners in camps back in the '60s, I think they have something smaller available by now. Possibly even a camera you could buy at a specialty store would be capable. Cool old picture of guys taking a picture!
  5. newwurldmn


    That camera probably took a photo of a train with 3 cars. Now trains have hundreds of cars. You can take a photo of three rail cars with a standard wide angle lense.
  6. zdreg


    "The Longest train I ever saw went down that Georgia Line. The engine went by at six o’ clock and the cab went by at nine. In the pines, in the pines, where the sun never shines and we shiver when the north wind blows. Well I asked the captain for the time of day he said he threw his watch away,”

    AlbumA River Ain't Too Much to Love