EODData username/password request

Discussion in 'App Development' started by gaihosa, Oct 1, 2016.

  1. gaihosa


    I was wondering if anyone knows a way to download something from EODData programmically? I would like to download files from their website with in my program instead of having to login and download files. I have tried http://username:password@eoddata.com/Data/symbollist.aspx?e=AMEX but it fails. Using QT/C++.

  2. jharmon


    Firstly: why not ask them.
    Secondly: eoddata's data is terrible - missing symbols, poor corporate action handling, survivorship bias. Several years ago I purchased history and a subscription from them. Not worth the money once you figure out the quality.
  3. That won't work. Your program needs to go through all the login steps that your browser does to gain access. In general this sort of thing can be very complicated and takes a good bit of hacking. Surely eoddata has an API with documentation and code samples.
  4. gaihosa


    Thanks for both replies.

    I agree that eoddata is unreliable but their list is more complete than other sources .

    I had a feeling it was going to take a few steps the login with a program.
  5. I've been able to work out logging into various web sites using C++ and libcurl but it took a lot of sleuthing. You have to be able to make sense of the source html and javascript of the web page. Frequently you'll also have to sniff the packet exchanges between your browser and the target web site using WireShark.
    It's the realm of hackers and almost certainly violates the web site's TOS.
  6. gaihosa


    Ya, I had a feeling I would be violating their policies.