Entry Level Jobs in Forex Firms

Discussion in 'Forex' started by Monsoon, Jul 15, 2003.

  1. Monsoon


    I'm 23 with a econ major, and I am very interested in Forex trading. I am looking to get into the industry... anyone know how this should be done?

    what are entry level postions in a forex firm?

    what are the requirements?

    what are some firms in Northern California?

    I assume that the career track would lead to a trading position, but what are the first steps?

  2. Monsoon


    one more thing, im not terribly interested in being a broker however i will pay my dues if need be.
  3. Do you know another language? Preferably Japanese?

    Because I have seen openings for trading positions for those fluent.
  4. Monsoon


    unfortunately no..
    what is the step below a trader? Because I am not qualified to be a trader, but I would like to learn