Entering IB, VC, PE

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by mstramandinoli, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. I am just finishing St. John's University with a degree in Finance, GPA 3.81. I studied computer science and information systems at Quinnipiac University for two years prior to St. Johns and had approx. GPA of 3.65. I have been offered a position at Citi Markets and Banking Operations for a two year training program. After the program you are able to become a district or section manager. This program is suppose to be made for Citi to create "their leaders of tomorrow." If I take this position will this experience help me in getting into front or mid office with an IB after an MBA? I have been applying to many places but have not been lucky since I have not attended the ivies. Currently I am Vice President of Operations for an automotive dealership and have had a past internship at Pfizer for their Business Technology unit. Any other advice, sorry I know there is 10000 posts similiar to this one. thanks for any positive advice!
  2. Take what you can get, not what you want.