Enslavery was actually abolished because blacks are lazy?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by crgarcia, Sep 11, 2009.

  1. why talk about racism:confused:

    We are talking about the benefits of slavery - the cheapest long-term labor one could dream of :)D).

    People from Amerikkka have the secret.
    Don't scare them. Let them talk and
    show us how to do it and we'll gladly ship back the jobs. < 3cents/hr would be ideal pay. At this rate, many employers will gladly throw in free food and lodging as part of the deal if necessary.

    Don't scare them as they can show us how to do it, and how it can be done for generations. This high knowledge is invaluable.:)
    #31     Sep 12, 2009
  2. In 1860 a male slave cost about 900 dollars. A free man worked in the fields for between $1 to 1.50 per day. So basically it would take over 2 years for that slave to pay for himself, plus you have the headache of wondering if he is going to run away on you. I dont see why anyone would put themselves through that.

    Its actually cheaper to buy a slave today than it was back then. I saw Laura Ling reporting on this once and she said that an 18 year old man in africa could be bought for 20 dollars as a slave.
    #32     Sep 12, 2009
  3. Before LBJ?
    #33     Sep 13, 2009

  4. Again, Cody wants a pony ...right? :D
    #34     Sep 13, 2009