English understanding

Discussion in 'Chit Chat' started by blueraincap, Oct 9, 2021.

  1. I honestly don't understand what is being said.
    Is it just me?

  2. It's not just you. I can't understand a word she is saying. What the heck?
  3. Overnight


    I can understand what she says in the bits where she is not in the hallways with echo, but all the other parts? Total Scottish meltdown.

  4. No, not just you. Even YouTube's CC translation tool cannot transcribe this in proper English.
  5. I saw another video of a school located close to that and the English is perfectly normal. I don't understand how can the accent be so vastly different.

  6. I once had a friend who came from inner Chicago. It took awhile, but eventually I did understand his English. :D
    murray t turtle likes this.
  7. wrbtrader


    Five of the most commonly spoken languages in the inner city of Chicago...
    • English, Spanish, Polish, Arabic, Tagalog, and Chinese
    To be more specific, there are 153 languages spoken in Chicago. For example, +15k speak Serbian. In fact, about +30% of the people residing in Chicago speak another language outside of English.

    Another interesting fact. Chicago today has the third-largest urban Indigenous population in the United States, with more than 65,000 Native Americans in the greater metropolitan area and some 175 different tribes represented.
    • I remember taking the L (that's a train) from the North suburbs into downtown Chicago...often I would hear a language I had never heard before.
    By the way, in Chicago, among those that speak multiple languages that include English...those surveyed say they speak English well enough...(57.3%) reported in 2010 that they also speak English "very well." 20.7% spoke English "well," 15.9% spoke it "not well," and only 6.2% "not at all".

    The state of Illinois has about +30k French speakers with about +6k residing in Chicago. Also, if I remember correctly, there are about +3k Lakota Siouan speakers residing in Chicago.

    Simply, a high probability that if you meet someone from Chicago... it's someone that speaks more than one language that's not English nor Spanish. Yet, if they do speak English...good chance you'll have a little difficulty in understanding them because English to them is a 2nd language (not their native language or not the native language of their parents).

    Last edited: Oct 10, 2021
  8. The subtitles aren't catching up and neither am i :confused:
  9. mlawson71


    I understand some of it. Accents are a fascinating thing - how people can speak the same language and yet so entirely different.
  10. and they kept arguing that outwith is commonly used English, but I had never seen it in my entire life (until reading some Scottish website and I looked it up) and the dictionary says it is Scottish(-only) English. An unfamiliar accent with unheard-of words makes me feel I will never understand what they say. Scottish people have a tendency to think they are more common than they really are.
    #10     Oct 12, 2021