English healthcare system starving elderly patients

Discussion in 'Politics' started by John_Wensink, Jul 30, 2008.

  1. Just wondering here where the US health care system would rank, if the great mass of indigent illegal aliens from third world nations and all the financial, cultural, and social damage they have inflicted on the US health care system, were factored out.
    #11     Jul 31, 2008
  2. maxpi


    Ahhh, yes, I want the tender mercies of communism for me and mine.... old people in England are malnourished before they come to the hospital?? What is up with that, the social system that is "more progressive" than the US can't feed their population?
    #12     Aug 1, 2008

  3. Probably about the same, since those who become unemployed, have pre-existing conditions, and so on have no coverage for preventive care.

    Many elderly are malnourished, not only because of poverty, but also because of digestive disorders and lack of care.

    The fear of "communism" keeps the US public spending more money for poorer system.
    #13     Aug 1, 2008
  4. Hey, fun fact -- it appears that malnourishment is a bigger problem in US health care than it was in this big, big story about UK health care.

    "Poverty and lack of food are the primary reasons why malnutrition occurs in the United States. Ten percent of all members of low income households do not always have enough healthful food to eat. Protein-energy malnutrition occurs in 50% of surgical patients and in 48% of all other hospital patients."


    For comparison, you can calculate out the averages in the UK from this article. Suffice to say the US is worse overall.

    #14     Aug 3, 2008
  5. GTG


    #15     Aug 6, 2008

  6. Well, im certainly seeing an instant solution to protein deficiency.........:D
    #16     Aug 7, 2008
  7. thats what socialized health care will be like in the United States.
    #17     Aug 7, 2008
  8. maxpi


    80 + hospitals have closed in California since congress mandated that anybody showing up at an emergency room must be treated. Congress forgot to mandate reimbursement however. Illegals use the emergency rooms as primary care, it's all they can afford supposedly but I think that is a lie, they send billions back home.. these do-gooder liberals keep mandating things for the poor, like that they must make home loans or be accused of racism... that gave us the CDO cirisis, does anybody get that?

    These Democrats are not here to help the little guy, they are here to use him to get Stalinist-style power..
    #18     Aug 7, 2008
  9. Funny that Communists are indirectly paying for Americans' health care since our borrowing can't even get to where it can afford to pay the principle. Wonder ...does capitalism really work or is it just a ponzi scheme.
    #19     Aug 8, 2008