Energy trading firms

Discussion in 'Prop Firms' started by ogarbitrage, May 5, 2008.

  1. Looking for crude and natgas prop shops. I've already interviewed w/ Infinium, Wolve, CTC, SIG, DRW, and several other in Chicago, NYC, and Houston.

    Looking for more.
  2. prop_99


    ogabitrage- any of these you visited allow for remote trading like equitie prop's do ?

  3. ggoyal


    This is not like trading equities. No one will let you trade prop. You can almost forget about that. They will not make you put up any cash. Its more like a job with salary and benefits.
  4. No, these are proprietary in the sense that they solicit no outside capital. The firms and sections I am after (because Wolve does trade equities), are energy specific dealing w/ nymex swaps, basis, index, and natgas option; crude oil switches, calendar swaps, APO, euro and american options.
  5. prop_99


    Oh- I saw that you referred to in your first post as looking for "prop" energy shop

    I want to put up for losses, and use some firm capital with no splits, and the firm makes money on my trading activity
  6. I don't think you'll be able to find that in the OTC energy mrkt.
  7. :0