Endless loop in AFL

Discussion in 'App Development' started by hedron, Jun 1, 2015.

  1. hedron


    for ( i = 1 ; i < BarCount ; i++ ) {
    while ( C[i] > O[i] ) {
       upbar = upbar + 1 ;
    Where is the endless loop? It says it's an endless loop, but I just don't see it.

  2. dartmus


    Everytime the condition within the while loop is true, it stays in the while loop, repeating ub=ub+1; It's unable to exit the while loop until the condition becomes false. Only way it will become false is to increment i to i=i+1, which skews the for loop index.

    You could try a different index within the while loop, set it equal to i, then increment your new index to index=index+1; This will enable the while loop to eventually find a condition that's false.

    Logically, there's no reason for the while loop to be combined with a for loop. You should use one or the other. I prefer the for loop because you can say
    if whatever[ i ] then ub=ub+1; // and it will automatically increment i

    or you could use

    while (i<barcount) {
    if (c[ i ] > O [ i ]) {ub=ub+1}

    Another factor to consider, double check to make certain uppercase O is not the numeral zero.
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2015
    hedron and Baron like this.
  3. hedron


    Oh, I see now. Thanks.
  4. dartmus


    Most of the endless loop errors occur in while loops. They hardly ever occur in for loops. If there's a reason to stop at an address like i, and check for some condition over more than a single bar, then you can nest a 2nd for loop inside the 1st for loop, by assigning the val of the 1st index to the 2nd index, and using a different letter for the 2nd index. It's easier to do in practice than to describe in theory.
    hedron likes this.
  5. M.ST.


    Why even using loop?
    Simply use cum().

    up = Cum( C > O );
    hedron likes this.
  6. hedron


    Why indeed. Thanks, finally "finished." This stupid thing was giving me a headache.

    upbars = IIf ( C != O , Sum ( C > O , BarsSince ( O > C ) ) , 0 ) ;
    downbars = IIf ( C != O , Sum ( O > C , BarsSince ( C > O ) ) , 0 ) ;
  7. M.ST.


    upbars = Sum ( C > O, BarsSince ( O >= C ) ); 
    downbars = Sum ( O > C, BarsSince ( C >= O ) );
  8. Sergio77


    Very nice capability in this software. Kudos to developer.