End Of Liberty documentary

Discussion in 'Economics' started by peilthetraveler, Oct 31, 2010.

  1. Bob111


    it would be, if they are less pushy on the gold(which i believe will be confiscated anyway in case of hyperinflation and profits will be declared illegal and holders will be declared domestic terrorists)..
    they should say something less aggressive and should mention the risks that comes with investing in commodities..
    diversify in currencies,accounts overseas(reported to IRS off course),TIPS,cash...some less agressive\volatile options..variety\diversification..you know..
    #31     Nov 1, 2010
  2. but what if they use tanks and precision guided weaponry on you
    #32     Nov 1, 2010
  3. Yeah, but he's got his bible. No contest.
    #33     Nov 1, 2010
  4. The US/world has been involved with a "Financial Grid" takedown (term THEY use). The control of LIQUIDITY is the game and fiat currencies are the distraction..........ENJOY the ride that american timid and docile masses have ALLOWED in their own backyard! :eek:
    #34     Nov 1, 2010

  5. THAT sounds like the real liquidity trap.
    #35     Nov 1, 2010
  6. :D Reminds me of the old song "The Pusher" by Steppenwolf.
    "...and I'll kill him with my Bible, my razor and my gun..."
    #36     Nov 1, 2010
  7. I often encounter this type of 'worse is better' point of view; People who desire liberty as I do, but optimistically believe that if our government gets so completely out of hand that American prosperity levels take a nosedive and we all become buried under an unbearable mass of 1984 style regulation, taxation, and political imprisonment... that such a situation would prompt a civil rebellion and upheaval of the entire system so that we could all be free again like we used to be.

    Sadly, I <b>do not</b> agree with those who feel this way. I think the government <b>could</b> in fact destroy all our lives in such a manner... and totally get away with it. The boiling frog (the American people) could very well just sit there passively and boil to death with nary a whimper of protest. Snookie's latest antics are of far more pressing concern to the average sheeple than SWAT teams black-bagging innocent local farmers and seizing all their assets. The specter of hyperinflation and exploding national debt ruining our entire standard of living is of little importance when compared to 'Dancing With the Stars' or 'American Idol' programs. Yes, I believe people <i>really are</i> that stupid, generally speaking.

    Why do I think so? Look at history. Eastern Europeans put up with over 40 years of stifling foreign-inflicted communist rule. Where were the revolts and civil wars there? Hungarians, Romanians, East Germans, Polish, etc... They didn't fight back and take control of their countries so that people could be free, did they? No, they just bent over, lubed up, and took it in the ass for 45 years. Do you think Americans are somehow different, stronger, or more defiant than the Zimbabweans or North Koreans who let bad government turn their entire once-proud nations to complete and utter piles of feces? You're entitled to think so, but I simply don't agree.
    #37     Nov 1, 2010
  8. One (at this time) near invisible reality is that ethnic conflict is always used by the government elite during campaigns of oppression. Foreign (or in this case a different ethnic group) soldiers are typically used to oppress specific geographic areas. For example, in the old USSR the government would transplant "loyalists" into questionable areas and use them to oppress the local people.

    Here in USA, the Military is made up from "folks from the heartland". It is unlikely to me that such folks, who by and large are very conservative, would agree to a mass scale oppression of what would basically be their own people. It is true military indoctrination is very powerful, yet today (for now at least) the military leadership still contains a large number of patriots.

    On of the reasons the left is so desperate for multiculturalism and increased third world immigration is because they want to get the military out of the hands of conservatives, and they can most easily do this by population displacement/replacement. Once they do this they will have a much more cooperative group of individuals for whatever type of scheme they want to inflict on the people.
    #38     Nov 1, 2010
  9. sprstpd


    Not worth watching unless you are a paranoid lunatic. The most rational points come at the end of the film but a lot of it is just fear mongering; ironic since one of their central themes is how the government likes to control us with fear.
    #39     Nov 1, 2010