End of Days

Discussion in 'Politics' started by nitro, Feb 21, 2011.

  1. Dear Nitro,

    A long time they discovered that they could destroy life at their will. For them it was a duty to determine what the right size would be. You can clearly see it in what was done to the Wolves and how they changed them in imperfect creature suffering from the realisation of their imperfection. On of the most cruel idea until now.

    In fact they have decided to move this abomination on step further. This time with the help of the comptuer... they want to reenginer life. They want to change the shape of everything. And again they can't admit their weakness. In fact their arrogance is only equal to their talents. Saddly they are backed by the lost souls of the Market, for who the only values is short-term edge...

    So United as they were... They shought to protect themselves from their eventual failure... Only them.

    The W.A.R was done in all dimensions :

    Sea - Air - Underground - Space

    They have been shown that they will not be able to escape with their illusion of power.

    And Stupids as it may seems to you : They didn't capitulate.

    Quite on the contrary it has reinforced their will...

    They can't understand how life operates, to destroy the bad grains... And more importantly expose those who have made it possible. Shame on them !

    The Universe watches.
    #21     Feb 22, 2011
  2. Bakinec


    As much as I tend to view astrology with skepticism after messing with it for several years, I can't help but notice that there's something really to it.

    Pluto is in Capricorn from 2008 till 2024, and that is bad for all hierarchical things in nature (whether govts, corps, any structures), as Capricorn rules over structure/govts, and Pluto is the planet of transformation/revolution.

    BTW, USA is definitely the whore of Babylon. The description in the Revelation fits America so well that it leaves you with your mouth open each time you read it.

    Communist Soviet Union is the Beast. The Whore has created and fed the Beast since its beginning by funding the revolutionaries (it's a well-established but little known fact that Wall Street had funded all the Trotskies and Lenins of that time).

    The Beast declared that it was God (Soviet Union = first atheist nation or empire/party ruler is God; they used to ask kids in school to ask God to rain candy, and then to ask Stalin to rain candy, that was the Soviet child propaganda), it received a fatal wound in 1990, but it was a deception, and it still is alive.

    There was a high-ranking KGB defector named Anatoliy Golitsyn who long before the Union's dissolution, had revealed to CIA that it would dissolve, but that it would be an act of deception, and told them what the Soviet plan really was. I recommend his 1984 book New Lies for Old, great read!!

    BTW, Mayan "prophecy" is bullshit and even the Maya's descendants admit that there is nothing to it other than the calendar having an end date of 2012, and the beginning of a new cycle. 2012 is mostly just another end-of-times marketing gimmic from which millions in profit have been made (just take the movie for isntance).
    #22     Feb 22, 2011
  3. ammo


    the bible also prophesized 7 great rulers,present day analysts beleive that the U N is number 7,when it dissolves,that will be it,no 8th ruler,just chaos
    #23     Feb 22, 2011
  4. BallBag


    Good idea. We could use one of those "keyhole" nukes which blow up the bad guys but leave the civilians untouched.
    #24     Feb 22, 2011
  5. He doesn't have to play The Governator anymore, so Arnold will save us.

    #25     Feb 22, 2011
  6. It was so easy to make the Americans believe that they were the only master of stealth :D

    Err : just nothing
    #26     Feb 22, 2011
  7. nitro


    I don't understand why wealthy Lybians that can't stand Gadhafi (that should not be that hard to find) hire mercenaries to kill the mercenaries hired to kill Lybians by Gadhafi.

    What scum. To kill innocent people for money. :(
    #27     Feb 22, 2011
  8. #28     Feb 22, 2011
  9. i was going to post the same thing....
    #29     Feb 22, 2011
  10. Agreed!!!

    #30     Feb 22, 2011