End NASA, silly Mars stuff and all US space programs = Solves US Economy problems

Discussion in 'Politics' started by increasenow, May 27, 2008.

  1. Hehe, but we do see things like that on TV ... "Mars Attacks!" etc.

    I do agree that religion is a tough nut to crack - and probably the most significant change ahead for human kind. Getting the basic building blocks for creating basic cells have been completed using chemicals and UV lighting, so there is a little left for actually making life from inanimate materials - but this has all been made possible in the last few years only. It's all so new - DNA and everything - still ...

    My concern was that even philosophy was getting outdated in some parts by new scientific revelations, so that has been something I have spent a lot of time looking into - just for kicks. Especially epistemology.

    I will be glad the day we get rid of all the talk about "chosen people", "evil and good", "heretics", "prophets", "holyness", "morals", "atheism" and all the other stupid labels that have stigmatized humans for so many decades.

    Maybe then can we start learning to live together on more equal terms and stop having the same social bickering as monkeys and apes go through on a daily basis. Hehe, but I guess it's a bit difficult to get past that heritage, though. Transhumanism and Homo Excelsior ftw!
    #51     May 28, 2008