Emotional Bridge - The Journey from Intention to Action

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by dealmaker, May 28, 2020.

  1. dealmaker


    Dwayne likes this.
  2. I think, it's also important to give emotional intelligence a special role here. Emotional intelligence - is the recognition for yourself and others, both positive and negative feelings, the ability to separate personal feelings from naked facts, as well as the ability to feel the mood, temperament, intonation and intentions in dealing with other people, regardless of whether they are old acquaintances or you see them for the first time in life. An important part of emotional intelligence - the ability to recognize and honestly describe their own emotions, the ability to not give in to panic and deny the ""bad emotions"" (anger, jealousy, irritation, envy, anger).
    Usually, psychologists divide emotional intelligence into skills of four categories. The first is the ability to communicate clearly and distinctly with others, to explain expectations, to listen actively, to influence and inspire, to work in a team or lead a team and resolve conflicts. The second is general empathy and a comfortable sense of self in a large group: whether you are an extrovert or introvert, you feel the emotional signals of others and rarely encounter misunderstandings. The third sign is knowing your weaknesses and strengths and living quietly with them, as well as a good knowledge of personal emotions and their impact on your life. And last - the ability to manage emotions, limit their destructive impact on yourself, the ability to fulfill their commitments, maintain long-term relationships and change in accordance with the environment.
  3. Andrea Wylan

    Andrea Wylan Sponsor

    Interesting stuff! :)
  4. Dwayne


    Nice post.Thanks for sharing.