I am looking for some direction from some of you on where the best S&P eMini chat or call site is on the net? i am new to the emini arena and have found that given the right site...it helps break the ice and usaually quickens the learning process, using these sites. I really appreciate your input! P.J.
If you mean non-commercial chat, that would probably be the #s&p channel on othernet. Using mirc connect to an othernet server, then /join #S&P. I think it's one of the most popular channels on othernet, do /list to see the full list of channels on that server network. voodoo
Here's one I ran across awhile back. I don't know much about it but you can get a two day free trial.http://www.tradingeducators.com/default.asp?ID=69
LIVE trading signals and analysis on the S&P Emini and Nasdaq E-Mini futures contracts. http://www.tradesignals.com/explorer/e-mini/
hi,thanks for your Infos, but i can t find the #s&p chat bei mIRC,is this message actually ? thanks for your help! kind regards jok_
Make sure you are using an othernet server. Click on 'options' than at the top where it says 'irc servers' choose 'othernet random server.' voodoo
Is anyone here a member of the LBT Trading Room (Linda Raschke)? If so, can you tell me whether following their S&P daytrades has proved profitable - i.e. average points per day. It's not cheap at $350/mo, but might be worth it if they have a positive expectency
I did that on the first day of this month. They had two calls in the eminis that seemed to net about 2-4 points each. I am wondering how they do on a longer term basis.