EMDR - a good way to reduce Trading Anxiety

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by links, Dec 16, 2002.

  1. maxpi


    EFT seems to work even if you are skeptical. You can Google search on EFT and surely find out a lot, I bought tapes at Amazon. Seems harmless and effective. Works on a level of where your energy meets your emotions and your body via the energy path. Just a combining of acupuncture and western psychology I guess. It is not a lot of attempts to make your life over or make the universe give you something or anything like that, more like the cure for common anxiety and lot of other stuff.

    I was doing some martial arts, Taoist (southern Chinese) style, that is when I discovered Chi. 52 years old, skinny, exhausted, confused by too many curriculum changes in too short of a time, standing in the middle of the school, hostile brown belt 30 years old coming at me with some contrived attack, my Chi just reacted before I could disable it by thinking, I spun the guy around and pushed him nearly out the door. Did not try to hurt him at all, which is my real nature, I really don't like to hurt people. I think that deep down nobody on the planet likes to hurt people, most of us just are not our real selves most of the time.

    I had not used any Karate moves, just the Tai Chi Chuan moves we warmed up with. Effortless. Defining moment for me, believe me. Got some Tai Chi Chuan tapes from the library after that, did the exercises one evening, woke up the next morning feeling like I was on cloud nine. I remember I was thinking "what did I do yesterday? I thought I had taken some drugs and was feeling a good after effect for a moment.

    I just do not recommend anything beyond that stuff, no channeling of spirit guides or "prayer treatments to make the universe give you stuff" or anything, it is not good IMHO. Hard to separate out the natural and good stuff from the stuff that can take you so far down the wrong road so fast it will make your head swim.

    #11     Dec 18, 2002
  2. links

    links Guest

    That's a good point Max.

    All of these techniques NLP, EFT, EMDR seem to effective in
    by- passing the conscious mind and work directly at the sub conscious level. I think its very import to align the conscious and subconscious mind with making profits.

    All the major sports teams NFL, NBA have sports psychologists on their staff, I see nothing wrong with Traders using these techniques to improve performance.

    As Ed Seykota said in the original Market Wizards book 'win or lose, everybody gets what they want out of the market. Some people seem to like to loose, so they win by losing money'.
    #12     Dec 18, 2002
  3. Is the Tai Chi Chuan the same as Tai Chi that's being practiced by most Chinese people in the morning? I know of some gyms who have Tai Chi classes. Is this the same thing?

    Also, what does EFT have to do with Tai Chi?

    Thanks. Your post is very informative.
    #13     Dec 19, 2002
  4. Gee, you even don't need to go to a gym to work out. If you really want you can do this at home. Frankly, I used to do over 50 push-ups in one series working out only at home (my record is 57 push-ups in one series), but recently has gotten pretty lazy. I guess, it's time to get back in shape.
    #14     Dec 19, 2002
  5. maxpi


    Pretty sure they are the same thing. There are several schools actually, I liked the first one I came across, didn't really research further and I really put the regular practice of Tai Chi way into the background for when I have more time.

    The thing in common with EFT, martial arts and Tai Chi, Feng Shue, etc., is that they are based on the idea that part of the human body and life in general is Chi, indestructable energy which comes in many varities and flows through the universe, the Earth, everywhere. I believe that is the basic truth of the matter, it's just part of creation.

    #15     Dec 19, 2002
  6. I agree, some like to get the attention and have others feel sorry for them and so no wonder you see posts about the markets being rigged, not being fun, being choppy (bad), being trendy (bad for some too), and all the other conspiracy theories.
    #16     Dec 19, 2002
  7. Figured I would bump this thread as there is some good stuff here. I do mindset / mental performance coaching for baseball players and after hearing about some stuff from Dr. Bill Harrison (who worked with George Brett) and how Barry Bonds used his eyes (basically almost like EMDR) in the batter's box to relax and get in the zone, I started using some EMDR concepts in trading. It definitely has helped me "see" things more clearly, especially as a discretionary, indicator-based / pattern-recognition trader.
    #17     May 12, 2021