Electric Shaver

Discussion in 'Hardware' started by kgharris, Dec 31, 2003.

  1. OK - off topic, but it is hardware of a sort!!!

    I am searching for my first electric shaver, and would like to get feedback from anyone who uses them. I am considering the Braun and Remington (Titanium?) - both the self cleaning kinds.

    Any feedback or suggestions? Thanks!
  2. you baby face pussy :p
  3. BSAM


    I just got a Remington Titanium. They're great for quick touchups, but nothing gets the job done as good as the old razor!! Make sure you get one that's cord / cordless.

    Tool of the Trade>>Hardware.....LOL
  4. right on >> i buy cheapest blades i can find at dollar store..

    20 for a buck! :D
  5. pspr


    What is this, the shaver forum???

    Anyway, get a Panasonic Linear. Its the best electric shaver on the market.
  6. LMAO
  7. Ebo


    Nothing beats The Gillette Mach lll Turbo for shaving your lady's precious real estate! Triple blade action. If you wanna treat her, get the soap warming dispenser.
    I like my pretzels without salt!

    Happy New Year!

  8. your old lady's real estate is more like a large dwelling ! YOU SLUMY SLUT LORD! :p
  9. Seriously? It was not even in my top 3.
  10. Vienna


    Ok, why not. Some milkbeard wannabe trader needs manly advice. Nothing wrong with that.

    In order of quality

    1. Getting a shave in a first-rate, old fashioned barber shop
    2. A straight razor with a leather strap, if you know how to use it. Otherwise, you will decapitate yourself. Practice with a balloon.
    3. Gillette Mach III. They spent 1 million $ to design it, and it is great. Almost never a cut, used to be daily
    4. and FAR behind: any electrical razor.
    #10     Dec 31, 2003