Electing McCain could save taxpayers almost $5 million

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jachyra, Oct 9, 2008.

  1. Look, I don't care if a president has written a book or not. With a 99% chance that Palin will take office once McCain croaks, is it too much to to ask of a President/VP to be educated?

    I don't want a VP to be someone that says "y'all" or "gosh dang it" or "doggonit".

    I don't want a VP to be my peer, co-worker, or neighbor.

    FUCK! I want someone that is highly educated! Someone that has at least left her backyard other than for a Girls gone Wild party in Cancun. Someone that doesn't have a pregnant teenager and is still advocating abstinence.

    America is just fucking retarded. I give up.
    #11     Oct 9, 2008

  2. You're right, I did not get your humor.
    #12     Oct 9, 2008

  3. In 2000 half the population voted for one candidate and the other half for the other.

    As the dust settled each side was completely convinced that the other had to be stupid.

    Funny nobody cared to add....
    #13     Oct 9, 2008
  4. MKTrader


    Don't worry about Palin...

    You'll get the product of an 18-year old unwed mother. He can't correctly count the number of states and knows less about economics and energy less than my 7-year old. Yes, he's going to create millions of jobs out of unproven technology that's decades away from even potential use. And he'll spend much more on "green" crap in the midst of a huge financial crisis.


    He's getting the vote of every crack addict, welfare mom, slacker and other have-not in America. Barakistan! It has a nice ring to it. I'm already making a homemade flag to display on my porch with Obama's seal (another sign of his narcissism).

    For the record, I only see the Republicrats as a slightly lesser evil than the Demo-Cons. But those who think Obama will bring positive "change" or "intellectual ability" to the White House are utterly clueless.

    #14     Oct 9, 2008
  5. TGregg


    Naw, not Barakistan. Obamanation.
    #15     Oct 9, 2008
  6. I could be wrong, but so far I have not heard Obama tell one single joke, be genuinely funny or have the capacity to make fun of himself.

    Something to ponder I guess.
    #16     Oct 9, 2008