Come Into My Trading Room: A Complete Guide to Trading by Alex Elder. Anybody read this? the summary sounded alot like Trading for a Living - his old book just a rehash or new ideas?
Haven't read it but when I read this on the Editorial Reviews section in "Dr. Elder takes readers from the fundamentals to the secrets of being a successful traderâidentifying new, little known indicators that can lead to huge profits." BS alarm goes off.
I haven't read the book either but my rant for the night is that so often authors write books for beginners that are nothing more than unenlightened rehashes of works such as Edwards and Magee with a chapter on psychology thrown in at the end. /rant
This was the same guy who sent me e-mails every 3 months for some other Caribbean cruise to explore trading systems and ideas...With the e-mails, there was always some sort of "fire sale" of books, audio cassettes, etc... The guy reminded me more of a t-shirt vendor than a successful trader
also, beware of anyone that posts advice 4 free on a message bored...oh yeah he's makin less than even the arther of the bookk..hehe
HI All I wasnt aware that he revealed anything extraordinary in his first book. Not expecting much in this one either. Hes just another paraphraser. Takes bits and pieces of other books and pastes them together. Passssssssss Sterling