Elderly Americans Soon Eating Cat food due to high energy/food prices

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by Aaron Copland, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. enkidu


    This is still in the developmental stage and may take years to perfect... but I think I figured out a way for these "consumers" to "hedge" against heating fuels, namely heating oil and natural gas.

    Eventually I want start a foundation and organization to let (or teach them) poor people hedge against high fuel prices during heating season.

    Anyone who is really serious about this can talk to me. We can get this thing started. Or go start your own foundation if you know more than me, but I'll be willing to help you with it.

    Oh, and don't give me this speech on how poor people can't afford to play the futures market... I've factor that into consideration in my method. But if you have any innovative ideas to contribute share it!
    #11     Jan 14, 2008
  2. So speculators all over the world should care for the elderly. Doesn't change what I said or meant.
    #12     Jan 14, 2008
  3. It's ok, you don't have to agree. But when a necessity item is being driven higher in price to this degree - not because of demand for that item - but because of manipulation for higher prices, and the poor suffer, something should be done. I don't want to get off on a moral rant here. But it's just wrong. You guys can bash me all you want.

    Just another failure where government is concerned, in my opinion.
    #13     Jan 14, 2008
  4. RedDuke


    I think it is a great idea, but I do not think that it will work. People would rather play sony games or watch American Idol and etc, then spend their "precious time" trying to educate themselves. I was shocked when I learned that people spend more time researching what plasma/lcd to buy then house purchase.

    Also, someone mentioned increasing margins, but it will only exclude small speculatros, For large ones, it would not metter a bit, and they are the ones who hold the cards.
    #14     Jan 14, 2008
  5. it's not american that leave in York, it's english, although elderly americans too may have to resort to cat food in order to subsist.

    it is in the interest of our western governments to fuel inflation in order to save current generations to the expense of older ones.

    inflation will debase the buying power of the elderly but will make the burden of indebted younger generations a lesser one.

    i suggest the elderly just burn their houses before they die
    #15     Jan 14, 2008
  6. I mentioned it, but as a start. The idea is to make speculating in crude (or energy as a whole) not profitable at higher levels. If you make it unprofitable, then speculators will move on to something more profitable. Again, it's not a perfect solution, other things would have to be done.
    #16     Jan 14, 2008
  7. enkidu


    If I get the website up, you'll see what my methods are. But the main target is poor people who can't afford heating, so they probably won't have a computer either. I won't expect them to analyze or interpret, but I want to convince them that hedging works and that everyone does it, and then show them EXACTLY what to do. Or, I can convince a third party to hedge for them.

    For example, one method for natural gas is the etf UNG. It cost only 40 bucks and if you look at the charts of UNG and natural gas, they are identical. Of course, you'd have to factor in that what consumers pay isn't the cost of the raw fuel, and there are other issues, but they all can be worked out. I think this is a great idea to help people deal with heating costs.
    #17     Jan 14, 2008
  8. kashirin


    yes, to start it's fine

    although I think only those must be allowed to trade commodites who can accept delivery and buy not more than they have proven storage
    #18     Jan 14, 2008
  9. maxpi


    so... their offspring will have to take care of them and the loop will be closed around the huge distortion in the natural order of things we call "the War on Poverty" and "Social Security", among other hugely failed left wing-nut thingies... If I was going to set up a foundation to help these elderlies, it would have muscle guys and hackers to lean on the families of said victims, extort/steal money from them and give it to their needy elders... there certainly won't ever be laws saying that children have to take care of their elders, that would go against "everything we believe in as Americans"...
    #19     Jan 14, 2008
  10. empee


    cooked? raw? fried, or what? Any recommended recipes?

    why is cat food so much cheaper than real food?
    #20     Jan 14, 2008