Either i'm tired or there is another problem.

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by alex.samant, Jul 26, 2007.

  1. your goal setting is improper. . .

    its a relative goal, which is good, but there also needs to be some absolute goals mixed in.

    its the difference in goals between striving to go to the olympics and striving to win the olympics versus striving to be the best you can be. there are several classic cases of wrong focus where in an intellectual sport, the focus on winning the olympic trials resulted in disaster at the olympics. . . peaking at the wrong time. . .

    i suggest finding a good trading psychologist, and have some good discussions, because you are smart enough to recognize a need or an adjustment, but most on here can only provide you with their viewpoints, not from someone you can take the time to understand you and tailor help to your personal psych profile. . .

    #21     Jul 27, 2007
  2. You're prolly right...
    #22     Jul 27, 2007
  3. That comment sheds some new light on your situation.

    Are you implying that at one point you were taking EliteTrader.com so seriously that there were message post from some annonymous stranger that changed your emotional well being???

    If so, you need to change your routine when your spending your allowing a forum like EliteTrader.com to have impact on your emotional state.

    Further, your commentary caused me to quickly review your posting history here at ET.

    Here's my suggestion...

    First change you make in your routine is to designate a time period when you can only read and post messages at EliteTrader.com

    A time period that last no more than one hour per day.

    My point is that you said your online from 8am til 7pm.

    However, your posting history suggests your online much longer than that on some trading days.

    Simply, weed out some stuff from your routine that may be (looks like based upon your own quote above) helping with you feeling like your exhausted.

    Another way to look at it...don't attempt to use EliteTrader.com to compensate for what's missing in your personal social life.

    If you do that...its time to leave EliteTrader.com

    Thus, use ET like you would use your local library via spending the same amount of time at ET as you would do at your local library.

    If ET has no negative impact on your well being...spend as much time as you want here.

    #23     Jul 27, 2007
  4. Well, right now, and i risk sounding mean to some people, ET has been a source of fun... I see a lot of people asking the questions that i used to ask other people back in the day :) and sometimes i send PMs to some people and tell them this and that... but they ain't listening..

    Other than that ... ET has become somewhat of a routine. Whenever i get bored or something, i turn on ET and see the blab...

    But, it's okay.... I mean, i don't like to come off as a victim of some sort... I was interested if some of you have been in this state with trading... I mean I KNOW it appears in all other fields of work. You get stuck at a point feeling like jail, and then you're promoted, and BANG, your life is back in Technicolor again :)
    #24     Jul 27, 2007
  5. There is your *biggest mistake*. Instead of attempting to escape from work, why not find a field that you enjoy?

    Your in your 20s now. Imagine how it will be 10, 20, 30, etc. years from now? Working is a blessing as you get older. The reason why its a blessing is that it keeps you active and makes you think on your feet. It forces you to be active. Those who work usually live a lot longer then those who dont.

    Right now, your just sitting in a chair hitting some buttons. Thats not really being active. While your making decisions, its more of a video game type decision making then one in which that will be mentally challenging.

    #25     Jul 27, 2007
  6. Believe it or not, just the fact that some people replied to my original post, got me a little out of that state... not bad.

    I started just now to work on some long term goals....
    #26     Jul 27, 2007
  7. zdreg


    excellent advice but not for the reasons you think. if you get one girl friend you will quickly realize how much better off you were off before.

    on the other hand the goal should to be to get 3 girlfriends which will consist of your current woman, the woman on the way out and the woman on the way in.

    good luck.
    #27     Jul 27, 2007
  8. ahahhahaha :))

    I have a girlfriend, but the 3 woman advice is top notch :)
    #28     Jul 27, 2007
  9. OT: Someone asked about wireless palmtop technology in the early 90s. Metriplex was founded by this guy:


    Amazing technology for the time. I had used the 4-line pager since '91, and the early hand-held. In 1995 the hand-held had line charting.

    #29     Jul 29, 2007