Ehlers' Fractal Moving Average (FRAMA)

Discussion in 'Technical Analysis' started by skippy, Oct 15, 2006.

  1. skippy


    Hi -- Does anyone have any experience with this indicator? Please PM me if you're willing to discuss: I've some questions about the way it "acts." Thanks!
  2. Could you post a screenshot?
  3. This was another modified variant of it in another platform

    Fractal Adaptive Moving Average

    y:=Input("sample time periods",1,20,8);
    (MP() * x1) + (Ref(MP(),-1) * x2),
    (MP() * x1) + (PREV * x2))
  4. this may or may not work in tradestation

    { The IntrabarOrderGeneration attribute is set to false
    in this strategy because strategy calculations depend on
    end-of-bar prices. }

    [IntrabarOrderGeneration = false]
    Price( 0.5 * ( H + L ) ),
    N( 16 ),
    NumDevsUp( 2 ),
    NumDevsDn( 2 ),
    TrailAmt( 0.5 ),
    BandColor( Yellow ),
    DataType( 1 ) ; { pass in 1 if you are working with
    the entire population, and 2 if you are working
    with a sample and want the standard deviation for
    the population }

    Divisor( 0 ),
    Mean( 0 ),
    SumSqr( 0 ),
    AvgDiff( 0 ),
    FracStandardDev( 0 ),
    LowerBand( 0 ),
    UpperBand( 0 ),
    TL_ID1( -1 ),
    TL_ID2( -1 ) ;

    // AvgDiff = 0 ;
    Divisor = Iff( DataType = 1, N, N - 1 ) ;
    if Divisor > 0 then
    Mean = AdaptMovAvg_Fractal( Price, N ) ;
    SumSqr = 0 ;
    for Value1 = 0 to N - 1
    SumSqr = SumSqr + Square( Price[Value1] -
    Mean ) ;
    end ;
    AvgDiff = SumSqr / Divisor ;
    end ;

    if AvgDiff > 0 then
    FracStandardDev = SquareRoot( AvgDiff )
    FracStandardDev = 0 ;

    LowerBand = Mean - NumDevsDn * FracStandardDev ;
    UpperBand = Mean + NumDevsUp * FracStandardDev ;

    if CurrentBar > 1 and Low crosses over LowerBand then
    { CB > 1 check used to avoid spurious cross confirmation
    at CB = 1 }
    Buy ( "BBandLE" ) next bar LowerBand stop ;

    if CurrentBar > 1 and High crosses under UpperBand then
    SellShort next bar at UpperBand Stop ; { ie, don't
    buy if next bar completely below current LowerBand,
    but wait for next crossing condition - an example
    of a non-persistent setup with an indefinite
    stop/limit trigger }

    SetStopShare ;
    SetDollarTrailing( TrailAmt ) ;
    SetProfitTarget ( 3 * TrailAmt ) ;

    { Use trendlines to "plot" the bands on the chart }
    TL_ID1 = TL_New( Date[1], Time[1], UpperBand[1], Date,
    Time, UpperBand ) ;
    TL_SetColor( TL_ID1, BandColor ) ;
    TL_ID2 = TL_New( Date[1], Time[1], LowerBand[1], Date,
    Time, LowerBand ) ;
    TL_SetColor( TL_ID2, BandColor ) ;
  5. skippy


    Hey, thanks. I do have the code. I'm puzzled by its tendancies, that's all. For example, the way it can be smoother at some smaller lengths than some larger ones. I say "some" because this is not consistently true across all values -- i.e., 10 may be smoother than 14, but 11 considerably jumpier than 12. I'm wondering if anyone out there might be able to explain the "why" of this phenomenon.
  6. Could it be this?

    y:=Input("sample time periods",1,20,8);

  7. skippy


    Ah! Thank you! Your clue just prompted me to reinspect the actual formula. The period "n" must be an even number. Thanks again!
  8. is not in the lines, it is in our minds. :)
  9. The modified one adjusts this...

    #10     Oct 15, 2006