Just a post for all people interested in this product. I called efloortrade and they actually let me log in and watch the auto xecutor running live. The product they have is far superior to the others I have seen. I'm sure they'll let everyone else watch if your interested.
It automates execution of tradestation systems. You program the logic and the program will place the trades for you...... hands free. go to www.efloortrade.com
I logged in a couple of days ago and was quite impressed. I definitely plan to use it. Setting up an account with MAN to use it. I don't have time to sit in front of a screen all the time but do need to look in on it from time to time. I need to get more info about other markets but I plan to use it to trade the emini snp. I hope we can share experiences using this product Net
Great Topic. I am about to open an account with either eFloorTrade or eLocalTrading and the deciding factor may be the AutoXecutor found at eFloorTrade. I'm just putting the finishing touches on a trend following system and plan to return to the work world next year. Having a truly automated system would dramatically change my life. I have a few questions that you may be able to help me with. 1) Where can you get Tradestation as a standalone application? I went to their site and found that they either want you to use it as their front end to their brokerage or to pay $795 a month to use it through any other broker. Is there like a standalone version you can use, even just for development and not order execution, that would be less expensive than the $795 a month option. 2) I understand that the J-Trader platform allows you to build your own automated order entry system using an API. I am ignorant of what that exactly means or entails but I am wondering if anyone has any experience with that creation. Maybe this last question needs its own forum. Any light anyone can shed on either of these two questions would be most apprechiated. For free futures data go to www.geocities.com/opmtrader/
eFloorTrade wrote to that api. That is exactly what their product is. I have seen versions of tradestation for sell on ebay and other places outside of the US. It is my understanding that anyone in the US has to open an account with tradestation and pay $795 for the product. Maybe someone from eFloorTrade would be able to help you a little more.
If you open a Securities or Futures Account and give them some of your trades the platform is "free" Exchange fees not included. I think that's not a bad deal considering if you go with esignal or another vendor you have to try and get data if your computer crashes or your datafeed has problems. you need to ask others to send you data to fill gaps in your data. Not that TS6 is perfect but it definitely frees me from worry about maintaining a trading database and I can concentrate on direct trading issues. The fact that autoexecutor exists is just one more "value added feature" that I definitely need as I don't plan to sit in front of a monitor everyday. PS: I also have an IB account but don't have the desire or expertise to figure out an API to link TS6 to TWS
The latest version of TradeStation, TradeStation 6 is designed to fully automate the placement of all equity trades based on your own custom strategies, without having to use any additional outside software. This is one of the significant features added to TradeStation in its most recent upgrade. When set for strategy automation, TradeStation 6 monitors the markets based on the rules of your custom strategies. When the conditions have been met and itâs time to place a buy or sell order, TradeStation pops up a dialog asking you to confirm that you want to place the trade. By clicking the confirmation button your order is automatically sent to the marketplace using intelligent direct-access order routing. You can also click âCustomize Orderâ to modify any attribute of the order (ex: enable some of the advanced order features) or click âIgnoreâ to not place the order. To enable strategy automation, open a chart that has a trading strategy applied and choose Format Strategies from the main menu. A dialog will appear that has to check boxes at the bottom of the window. One says 'Automate strategies for display in Account Manager Strategy Automation tab', which you will need to check on. The other check box says 'Automate equities execution using account # _________ with confirmation ON', which you will also need to check on. If you wish you can turn off the optional confirmation dialog (which is no by default) and literally sit back and watch it trade. Simply change the confirmation to OFF from ON (the default) in this dialog. The ability to turn off the confirmation is especially beneficial to very active traders who are monitoring several strategies/symbols simultaneously and don't want to delay their orders by the time it takes to click on the confirmation button. However, if you do select this method of trading, you will be asked (over and over again!) to agree to the disclaimers stating that TradeStation Securities will not be held liable. Just as you may purchase an automobile with 'cruise control', it is still imperative you be in the car and paying attention when you are taking advantage of this feature. Same applies here!
Hey Doreen, It would be nice if TS6 could simply communicate it's strategies by DDE or ActiveX. Then you could use a cheap broker like IB to automate those trades! Can't see that happening though - we will all just have to work on those DLLs ourselves!
Looks like I'll be ready to trade using AutoeXecutor in 2007 after I get my BS on Comp Sci!!!! I may not be sitting at my screen trading but by the looks of the programming necessary to use the software. I will be sitting a lot longer at my computer coding the API!!!!!! I knew this but sometimes I'm in d'nile "If this were easy we all would be rich!" Anon Net