Edwards: Cheats on Dying Wife and Fathers Out of Wedlock Child, Finally Speaks

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Tom B, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. Tom B

    Tom B

    Out of Washington, Edwards Finds Worries Remain

    By Alec MacGillis
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Wednesday, June 17, 2009 12:22 PM

    John Edwards says he has few illusions. He knows the picture many Americans hold of him is not a pretty one. He also knows that even before he was engulfed in tabloid scandal, his electoral appeal had limits. And he believes that President Obama, the man who stole whatever rising-star magic he once had, is doing a good job.

    Yet as he spends his days in his family's mansion on the outskirts of Chapel Hill, Edwards can't help but fret about how Washington and the country are getting on in his absence. He worries about the concessions that may be made on health care reform, which he was promoting more aggressively than anyone on the presidential campaign trail. He worries about who will speak out for the country's neediest at a time when most attention is focused on the suddenly imperiled middle class. (read more)

  2. Eight


    That f%^king guy made his money bankrupting manufacturing companies with bogus lawsuits now he's concerned about the poor... I really do think that these idiots believe that everybody can be on welfare with no tax base...