Economy By Chavez....Socialists Take Note

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. Because the voting sheeple believe whatever comes through that tube in their living room. They accept whatever sounds good to them. Men have become feminized wimps, women have become more masculine, with feminine moment tendencies. THAT is what will elect Hussein the Muslim. Yes, he is.
    #31     Oct 20, 2008
  2. Then define "welfare", please.
    #32     Oct 20, 2008
  3. gnome


    If people paid attention, they'd notice...

    1. When Employment numbers are announced, Government jobs almost always go UP even as private sector loses jobs.

    2. Government spending always goes UP, never reigned-in.

    The pattern is for ever bigger government share, and ever smaller private sector.

    Where does this end ultimately? What happens when the government is greater than 50% of the economy? Or 60%, then 70%?

    We can't ALL work for the government. SOMEBODY has to work and earn money for the government to spend, you know.

    Think a bit and you can see the end game... "Everybody sends everything they make to the Gummint and they send each of us back an allowance"...

    Just like the Marxists... "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need"...
    :mad: :mad:
    #33     Oct 20, 2008
  4. Cattle are allowed to forage and eat all they can....where they want to....

    As long as it is inside the fence boundaries....

    What happens when there is no grass ?
    #34     Oct 20, 2008
  5. A little better than 1 out 8 working Americans are employed directly by Federal, state or local government. I'll try to find the figures later but in 2007 the average hourly wage of those govt employees was something like $36 a hour vs. $26 an hour in private industry. These days it takes a million dollars or more in "risk free" Treasury interest for us to pay ourselves in retirement income what government workers make in pension income.
    #35     Oct 20, 2008
  6. Glad to. In economics, as applicable to individuals:

    Government programs, paid by taxpayers, that donate money, service or other support for those who are unable and/or unwilling to support themselves. Welfare is the same as grace, getting something you neither deserve, earn nor are asked to return. A gift from the taxpayer.

    Taxpayer benefits, including student loans, are what we deserve because we work and pay taxes into the system.

    I could differentiate a thousand instances where taxpayer benefits are contrasted with welfare, but you can do that yourself. Add to this that welfare recipients generally do not pay any income tax, and are by definition not withdrawing taxpayer benefits. Welfare is a freebie, available to any citizen or illegal alien that enters the USA.
    #36     Oct 20, 2008
  7. poyayan


    You are preaching to the choir here at trader forum. The problem is people are selfish. They not only want to take their share in the cookie jar. They want to take a bigger share than what they have contributed to the cookie jar. Once they succeed in doing that. They want to scale up the cookie jar since they gain from it. Hence, bigger government.
    #37     Oct 20, 2008
  8. can think about it this way....

    With Nobam as pres.....

    Volatility will go up on stocks....

    Cause 25 cents will be 5% moves on most blue chip US stocks.....
    #38     Oct 20, 2008
  9. It takes a decade on the job to average that income, because the average fed worker has been on the job for 20 years, and that is why those numbers indicate $36 per hour. Those numbers include benefits, and the feds get GREAT benefits. They have the most secure jobs in the nation, although when first starting there, you earn less than half of the above average.
    #39     Oct 20, 2008
  10. We work and pay taxes so we deserve student loans……. If that is the reason why can’t someone who works and pays taxes say that they deserve subsidized medical care (not free- just subsidized)?

    Just because you took out student loans and were part of the welfare system does not make it right. Taxpayer benefits applies to military, police, and the firefighters not student loans.
    #40     Oct 20, 2008