Economy By Chavez....Socialists Take Note

Discussion in 'Economics' started by libertad, Oct 20, 2008.

  1. poyayan


    The problem is not Obama being "left". It is republican being not "right" on the fiscal policy. Look at the deficit. How can anyone has faith with republican as the fiscal conservative?

    I don't like tax increase, but if I want no tax increase and no budget deficit, I don't have that choice. If I care enough of the future and willing to tolerate some tax increase, it seems like Dems has a better chance to do that. True? Not true?
    #11     Oct 20, 2008
  2. Got a pic of her? j/k, gnome... It's a Monday.
    #12     Oct 20, 2008
  3. This theory is long-term and does not work any more than a Bush stimulus check. It takes time to crawl out of debt from hard times, and people have lots of debt right now. Hussein's tax cut will do nothing for that debt and will do nothing to fix the problem of debt service... which means even increased consumer spending, unsustainable, will help nothing.
    #13     Oct 20, 2008
  4. gnome


    What if wifey works at the "Hospital of the Indigent"? Where a significant percentage pay nothing?

    She tells one story of a Mexican girl who went to the hospital for surgery. Wifey says, "Her situation is not urgent. She could have that done at home".

    The mother replied, "But at home, IT WOULDN'T BE FREE!"
    #14     Oct 20, 2008
  5. One reason I moved away from Kalifornia.
    #15     Oct 20, 2008
  6. poyayan


    That logic is flaw...:) Based on your logic, communisim will be the best then. Cause the more you give out and the more you receive.
    #16     Oct 20, 2008
  7. gnome


    Wifey and Maks [The Destroyer]
    #17     Oct 20, 2008
  8. Destroyer? Does the pup steal your socks?
    #18     Oct 20, 2008
  9. gnome


    Not if they are in a drawer. If you value something, it needs to be out of reach... all the way out of reach... like on top of the fridge or inside the oven...

    Of course there are some things you can't GET inside the oven... like dining room chairs..
    #19     Oct 20, 2008
  10. gnome, you're making me laugh. My toddler son likes to climb and we were on a trip last week, our house is toddler-proofed the best it can be, but the condo we were staying at was not. The entertainment center had stuff piled on top of it as much as we could fit up there so he couldn't get to it. He still found plenty of ways to get in trouble.

    I feel your pain :D
    #20     Oct 20, 2008