Economic impact of possible attack on Iran

Discussion in 'Economics' started by NoMoreOptions, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. It's also and especially about land...
    #31     Jan 17, 2005
  2. So in summary, you join this thread, throw insults & tell everyone they don't know anything because they believe the propaganda of US mainstream media. Then by your own admission attempt to spread your own propaganda with your pointless link to dead bodies which means nothing unless someone didnt already realize that lots of people died in Iraq (duh).

    It seems to me since you have taken the position of being the only enlightened one in here, the burden falls upon you to contribute something of value to educate the rest. So far I have been less than impressed with your posts. Do you have an original thought to contribute or only more of the same rehashed diatribe?

    And lastly, since I haven't been spreading any propaganda in this thread, unlike you, your quote above is still incorrect.
    #32     Jan 17, 2005
  3. Yes, for the Israeli and Palestinian conflict I will give you that one....good point!
    #33     Jan 17, 2005
  4. Reminds me of the US...
    #34     Jan 17, 2005
  5. You mean the WORLD right? The US does not have any monopoly on the struggles to control oil or to promote our dominant religious beliefs.
    #35     Jan 17, 2005
  6. A major problem in the region is all the local powers are feeble on a global scale, which means any and all external influences are relatively free to muck things up. Should Iran develop a legitimate nuclear deterrent, it is highly likely the region would stablize in very short order.

    The world survived a nuke-equipped Stalin, it won't have any trouble surviving a nuke-equipped Mullah.
    #36     Jan 17, 2005
  7. This has been known for a long time. Briezinski acknowledged a decade ago that he had been arming Afghani nutcases specifically so they would have the wherewithall to launch painful terrorist attacks on the then-Soviet Union. The plan worked so well, the terrorists were so effective, the Soviets invaded Afghanistan. At which point Reagan upped the ante by supplying the same terrorists with 10x the weaponry, and the next thing you know the Soviets are gone and the same group of under-employed, heavily-armed ideolouges are flying planes into WTC.

    The US is certainly not alone in playing games of this variety, nor can the terrorists themselves be absolved of personal culpability, but to suggest the US had no role in creating the current "terrorist" mess is an untenable position.
    #37     Jan 17, 2005
  8. No, only US are like this, really. Have a look around ! you're really unique !
    #38     Jan 17, 2005
  9. Are you talking about church bells sounding for Matins? I was shocked to learn that most churches these days don't use real bells, they use amplified recordings of bells.
    #39     Jan 17, 2005
  10. just believe the lies(propaganda) that started this war in the first place and then you tried to play the "saddam was an evil man" card. so which is it ..why did we go to war???

    1. WMD's 2. connection to 911 3. Saddam is an evil madman ???
    #40     Jan 17, 2005