each market low-bernanke comes in

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Warrior4g, Mar 11, 2008.

  1. Of course we will pay for these moves dearly down-the-road.
    All he has done here is transfer risk to a larger audience.....the taxpayers....who will eventually pay for this.
    It's all "smoke and mirrors".
    #11     Mar 11, 2008
  2. saying its a slippery slope is an understatement. what he is doing is wrong; placating to the financial markets. as a trader i am neutral on what he does but for conversation i will state my true feelings. this guy is setting the market up for a very hard landing,you just cannot keep printing and pumping money into the financial system. especially when we have an inflation problem.
    #12     Mar 11, 2008
  3. mokwit


    I think the official name for the policy is 'No bank left behind'.
    #13     Mar 12, 2008
  4. Its unfathomable to think we are going to get out of this without a couple of key insitutions fail
    #14     Mar 12, 2008
  5. ZBEAR


    #15     Mar 12, 2008
  6. mokwit


    They already have, but cutting rates and not cutting ratings etc etc is delaying the recognition of that reality until that fantasy wonderland time when all AAA rated defaulting slime returns to par and everybody lives happily ever after (but only after living through a lost decade as in Japan and Thailand which also refused to allow bank failure and/or clearing).

    There is no recorded case of a soft landing in the stock market and only 2 ever in an economy. If it was that easy there would be no business cycle, but this is a bust not a downcycle so what is the chance of a soft landing?
    #16     Mar 12, 2008
  7. mokwit


    A review:
    Morgan, Rocketfeller on the U.S. side, plus Rothchild and Warburg on the European side, met in secret on Jekyll Island to form a cartel and centralize banking. There goal was to maximize profits by minimizing competition and make it difficult for new competitors. Then they would use the government to enforce there private cartel at the expense of the people. They created a shared monopoly called the Federal Reserve to force the public to pay higher prices than they would under a free- enterprise competition system. This curtailed for a period of time bank runs and currency drains. When the inevitable disaster did occur they would shift the public blame from themselves to "economy", "exchange value of dollar", or even the "capital system". The Federal Reserve could shift the burden of fixing these inevitable losses to the tax payer. Since it's inception to stop crashes and recessions we have had the crashes of 1921, 1929, 1939, and recessions of 53,57,69,75,81, Black monday 87 plus the 2000 debacle. So the Federal Reserve is simply a legal private monopoly of the money supply operated for the benefit of the few under the guise of protecting and promoting the public interest.
    Pick up this book and read in detail how the wars are started, how the crashes are launched, how they rape and pillage the third world, and where the U.S. is headed and indeed the world - into the 21st century. It is knowledge that Jefferson wanted for the people and it is the monoplies he and Linclon feared the most. Those moneyed corporate interests would eventually cause the elimination of the middle class. Without the middle class: The Republic is dead. A MUST READ!!!!!

    "Since it's inception to stop crashes and recessions we have had the crashes of 1921, 1929, 1939, and recessions of 53,57,69,75,81, Black monday 87 plus the 2000 debacle."

    As the Fed is failing in its stated function then surely it should be abolished as an incompetent and thus unnecessary intitution.
    #17     Mar 12, 2008
  8. ZBEAR



    Mokwit...... I'm starting to like you !


    #18     Mar 12, 2008
  9. mokwit


    You mean you didn't before? :eek:
    #19     Mar 12, 2008
  10. ZBEAR



    Nah, I'm just slow....takes me a long time to get a fix on someone.
    #20     Mar 12, 2008