E signal tick replay file *.EPF

Discussion in 'Order Execution' started by saxon22, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. Well!

    Here comes my first post. I am so new to this thing, I feel like I am back in High School right before my firs serious date. :D
    To make a long story short, I was given a gift which was a copy of e signal program a couple of months ago, and the rest is history. I am hooked on trading more than addicts were on crack in the mid 80's (Hope the results will be differnet in my case thogh). However, I no longer can practice because the tick file I got it with is too transparent at this time. I must have gone through it at least 20 times and by now I am more than aware of its movement. So, is there anybody who could e mail me EPF file or files ????????????????????? I am sure some of yopu have tons of those lovely EPF creatures lurking in your hard drives.
    many thanks to those who will help me out.

    e mail is

    fire away
  2. as for the file I am manily interested in futures ( emini ect.) However, I will not refuse other types. (options ect.)

  3. GTS


    PM sent
  4. Thank you GTS. I owe you one. Come to think of it I owe you twice. Once again thanx.
