I wish to ask if someone has idea where we can find free e-mini nasdaq100 and S&P500.....maybe impossible. Thanks
Are you looking for free quotes and charts? If so, go to www.livecharts.com and use the symbols ESH2 and NQH2. Also, we offer free streaming real-time quotes and bid/offers with quantinity like Level II NASDAQ on our trading platform. Check out PorpTrader at www.ApexFutures.com Craig
Nextrend has free real time charts for the eminis (I believe they still do anyway). Just download the program and use the symbols NQH2'CM and ESH2'CM.
I forgot to mention we also have a free ES and NQ real-time trading demo if you go to www.ApexFutures.com/freedemo.htm Craig
Nextrend is worth subscribing to but the free emini charts promotion ends 12-31-01. But hurry and check it out. I love nextrend.
see at www.cme.com, look for "MarketSound", a java applet displaying current bid + offer, i think it is still there
the exact location from the CME is http://www.cme.com/products/index/products_index_marketsound.cfm A great realtime chart (but only for the cash indices ...) http://www.netdania.com/ Our demo platform with realtime fills also offers realtime quotes, but not charts.