e book

Discussion in 'Economics' started by morganist, Apr 15, 2010.

  1. morganist

    morganist Guest

  2. Just out of curiosity, if someone read that book and now armed with that information what does one do with that information?:confused:
  3. morganist

    morganist Guest

    fair point. but it does give you knowledge of the situation. i suppose it is only really useful if you work for forex companies or deal with currencies. but it does give information on the potential future relationship with the chinese. i guess it is specialist. some people here might find it useful.

    i'm such a geek.
  4. 1) Sell it as a cure for insomnia?
    2) Don your tweed jacket and spectacles while munching on stinky French cheese and swilling fruity California chardonnay while discussing the book with your academic colleagues? :cool:
  5. thanks for posting - have read ~ 10% - interesting to see how the "ducks" are being lined up - nice background info.

    My 10 cent take:

    Inflation for the devalued (maybe)
    Recession for the inflated (unless they promote domestic demand)
    Contraction for all if things become unorderly

    Long commodities / short US debt and developed economy currencies - long emerging markets

    Hopefully the politico's don't go off the deep end and end up getting what they wish for on exchange rates. If that happens expect another Great Recession. Imbalances can exist for long periods of time. The exchange rate drum has been getting beat for a long time - but no one's dancing or even tapping their feet. Why should things change now?

    This current push smacks of politics - political cover - creating an external "straw man" for voters ahead of the mid-term elections. Badgering the BRIC's to reign in their only engine of growth seems pointless. It would be political suicide for BRIC politicians to negotiate for these changes.

    China is export dependent and I agree with comments read so far that this is currently helping the world economy. An internal shift in China toward domestic driven demand can only grow as fast as incomes can rise. No big changes any time soon even though it may represent a new policy direction.