dykstra declared bankruptcy.

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by gaj, Jul 8, 2009.


    If the GURU doesn't show results, do NOT give them money!!!!!!

    The gurus need YOUR MONEY!!!!!

    Just last week, Dykstra was still soliciting $995/year subscriptions to his newsletter at www.nailsinvestments.com, after his column was dropped by Jim Cramer's TheStreet.com. "Nails" claimed he had a record of better than 100-0 in stock options calls. Tho he ignored my request to prove it. Readers who complained about his claims said such results would only be possible, and still not much, if he'd kept counting performance until the blue-chip stocks he mostly bet on finally rose, instead of admitting defeat when his contracts expired underwater. Like the stopped clock that's still right twice a day.

    Which just raises the old question: If he's so smart, how come he's not rich?
    #31     Jul 9, 2009
  2. From his website. I really think 99% of all gurus do this. Lie, frauds, brag and then beg for YOUR money.


    If you are not a member, don't waste time, join today! Just one win will pay for your one-year subscription, and although past performance is no guarantee of future performance... Lenny 'Nails' Dykstra is 110 WINS and 0 ZERO losses as of June 18, 2009.


    I really don't get it. All these gurus must know they are FRAUDS, the small amount of people they help is insignificant and not worth what they charged, and deep down they must realize they actually give back to society in a net NEGATIVE manner.
    #32     Jul 9, 2009
  3. gaj


    except for DOX.
    #33     Jul 9, 2009
  4. a bigger question is that even regulators know most of these guys are frauds and why are they are allowed to continue fleecing people.
    #34     Jul 9, 2009
  5. dozu888


    The number of suckers walking around in this world is far greater than you can perceive, especially if you are a relative intelligent person. Human brain has a tendency to assume others at the same intelligence level.

    Thru my decade of consulting work, I have seen enough strange people do strange things.

    You probably notice how many retards are behind the wheel driving around on the highways.

    We all get many emails every day saying we won the British Lottery, or there is a large balance sitting in Nigeria. Why? the scammers are still doing this becaused there are still people to be scammed.

    and there are PLENTY of them.
    #35     Jul 9, 2009
  6. [​IMG]
    #36     Jul 9, 2009
  7. he is on cnbc up next
    #37     Jul 9, 2009
  8. Typical Dykstra delusions...

    says he will pay everyone back (he said earlier that he wasn't paying because they were trying to steal his money) and that he is a victim of "mortgage fraud"

    he also says Players Club business will be back and profitable and that he is still making money in the stock market

    well, one thing you can say about ole Lenny is that he remains an "optimist" even if in a "disconnected from this reality" sort of way...

    CNBC is going to put up the entire 20min interview so there are probably some other good nuggets in there.
    #38     Jul 9, 2009
  9. As a person who worked for Nails the longest and is still owed money I'll never see, let's get some facts straight.

    In one interview, his attorney calls the claims against him "meritless" and in another on the same day, he promises Lenny will make all those who are owed money "Whole". Ridiculous.

    No one tried to steal from Lenny because no one would have a chance - Lenny is so busy stealing from you, that you don't have time to even have the idea to steal from him. He hires people only to borrow from them before payday, so that they're trapped. Ask for your money back and he will fire you, so you stick around waiting for your loan AND your paycheck, neither of which will ever come, hence the lawsuits.

    Further claims BY Lenny? Never happen...he will stiff this set of attorneys just like he has all the others. Good luck getting paid, Hackett. Have you not seen that he's stiffed even the likes of Dan Petrocelli?!

    Relaunch of his investment letter? Please....he can't even accept payments! He can't get a bank account because he has overdrawn at B of A, Wells Fargo and Citibank, and PayPal has banned him as well. He won't deliver on the newsletter for the full term, either.

    The magazine has been banned in locker rooms across the country and no printer will work with him. The players and agents know how he operates now, and no financial/annuity partner will work with him, the jet companies have blackballed him.

    Not only is he not saddened by the divorce, he stole from his ex wife and harasses her daily, hiding assets from her so that she gets nothing. Nice ploy for sympathy, Lenny. While you're sexually assaulting assistants and hiring girls from a porn pro now, everyone knows you betrayed your marriage for twenty years and laughed about it.

    He took out second loans on the houses because he kept running out of cash due to the private jet travel. He never intended to pay them back, and figured it would be paid back with the sale of the house, which obviously hasn't occurred. He put his only source of income up for a quick loan against the house - his monthly note payment from the sale of the car washes.

    Refused to fly commercial, EVER. At $65k a pop, just for fuel alone, you eventually run out of money. He borrowed $3.2m from RockBridge Bank after he'd already borrowed money from someone else for the same purpose - to fix the plane, but he took the loans and used the cash instead of paying it to the companies doing work on the plane.

    I could go on all day. Stay tuned for the book or books that are sure to be written about him for the rest of the TRUTH.
    #39     Jul 9, 2009
  10. NazSpaz


    He's going to have another lawsuit if Donald Trump hears what he keeps saying, that letter Dykstra put out said Trump filed BK 2 times, and on CNBC he said Trump filed BK 6 times.

    If memory serves correct, Trump sued a book writer or someone who had said that Trump filed BK, even though we all believe he did, Trump claims it was his company has filed BK but personally he never did. And he gets pissed when someone says he did.
    #40     Jul 9, 2009