Dumping into close 11-19?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by pumpanddumper, Nov 19, 2007.

  1. Tom631


    Yeah, they said ink sales are their bread and butter..


    Some ground breaking stuff there :p
    #21     Nov 19, 2007
  2. foreclosure notices
    pink slips
    default notices
    "for sale" signs
    money printed by fed
    directions to the local soup kitchen

    all "ink bullish"
    #22     Nov 19, 2007

  3. heh heh good one.
    #23     Nov 19, 2007
  4. Definitions of delusion on the Web:

    (psychology) an erroneous belief that is held in the face of evidence to the contrary
    a mistaken or unfounded opinion or idea; "he has delusions of competence"; "his dreams of vast wealth are a hallucination"
    the act of deluding; deception by creating illusory ideas

    A delusion is commonly defined as a fixed false belief and is used in everyday language to describe a belief that is either false, fanciful or derived from deception. ...

    A false idea typically originating from a misinterpretation but firmly believed and strongly maintained in spite of contradictory proof or evidence.

    A false belief that persists even when a person has evidence that the belief is not true.

    "Delusion refers to belief in something that contradicts reality. In Buddhism, delusion is ... a lack of awareness of the true nature or Buddha nature of things, or of the true meaning of existence. ...

    (de·lu·sion) (də-loo´zhən) [L. delusio, from de from + ludus a game] a false belief that is firmly maintained in spite of incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary and in spite of the fact that other members of the culture do not share the belief.

    Anything that deceives the mind with a false impression, a deception, a fixed false opinion or belief that cannot be shaken by reason.

    A false belief regarding the self or the world that a person persistently holds despite clear evidence to the contrary.

    a persistent false belief that is strongly held despite clear evidence that the belief is actually false. There are many different types of delusions, depending on what the delusion is about. An example would be a person's belief that the FBI was following him/her to put him/her in jail. ...

    A false idea or belief.

    (de-loo-zhun) A fixed belief that has no basis in reality, and is not affected by rational argument or evidence to the contrary. People suffering delusions are often convinced they are a famous person, are being persecuted, or are capable of extraordinary accomplishments.

    Fixed belief opposed to reality and not logically sound.

    A firm, fixed idea not amenable to rational explanation and maintained despite objective evidence to the contrary. Some types of common delusions are delusions of being controlled, delusions of grandeur, delusions or persecution and somatic delusions.

    A fixed, false belief that is resistant to reason or factual disproof.

    A false belief persistently held despite strong and obvious proof to the contrary.
    #24     Nov 19, 2007
  5. That is a lot of typing for someone who will be seeing a lot of red ink when this market heads up through the next couple of months!
    #25     Nov 19, 2007
  6. this place is so comical. HPQ was about owning weeks AGO GOING into earnings....the thing that you don't get is stock has nothing at risk....and I do mean ZERO....60 posts a day? who thinks this putz does anything else?
    #26     Nov 20, 2007
  7. So much for a continuation into tomorrow:

    12:53 a.m. EST 11/20/07Futures/Extended Trading(Roll over for charts)
    Last Chg Settle
    DJ Industrials 13065 72 12993
    S&P 500 1446.00 8.50 1437.50

    Guess the DOW can piggback HPQ and look for a positive spin on FED minutes to rally and eventually fade.

    Shoes in other unforseeable areas have to start dropping. Santa needs to start delivering coal to retailers FAST.
    #27     Nov 20, 2007
  8. the really funny thing about here?....who was TRADING in '99-00? 3? 5? the ones that were are not the currennt post leaders here! I will make book on that....GOOOO DOWWW...HURRRRRAYY 2.0........new world.....smarties.....ooops lost my brain...
    #28     Nov 20, 2007
  9. huge buying today

    The 5 year bull market has much longer to go


    Time 2 buy

    Fed will hint at another rate cut = 150 more points on the dow

    #29     Nov 20, 2007
  10. i was ..and posters like stock turder were a dime a dozen ... averaging down all the way to naz 1200
    #30     Nov 20, 2007