Dubya's Resume

Discussion in 'Politics' started by MWS417, May 4, 2003.

  1. Why?

    Senator Clinton supported both the war in Afghanistan and the war in Iraq. She led the movement to establish the Department of Homeland Security ( a Democratic initiative ) and has been relentless in securing Bush's pledge of Federal involvement/investment in rebuilding and securing New York City despite abandoned promises from Washington.

    It's getting to the point where I belive all this Hillary bashing is sour grapes from people who WISH their elected representatives worked as hard, and were as successful in serving their own constituencies as Senator Clinton has for the people of New York State.
    #41     May 6, 2003
  2. #42     May 6, 2003
  3. Amen.

    The last time we tried this supply-side-economics folly it took 5 consecutive tax INCREASES to re-balance the Federal budget - over the course of 15 years! And we began that era without a massive Federal deficit !

    Every time I see Bush or his minions' pushing this absurd economic policy I'm reminded of that video of Ken Lay exhorting the loyal Enron workers to "invest" their life savings in to the firm with outright lies of security and prosperity for the future. Of course we all know who the true beneficiaries were. These men (and it is exactly the same men in many instances) and their ilk have merely migrated from private sector posts, which they left decimated in their wake - and moved on to plunder the far greater treasure of the Nation itself. And we are witnessing the same spurious accounting, the same deceitful prognostications, and the exact same hubris with which the whole package is sold.
    #43     May 6, 2003
  4. Rs8.5


    Beautiful!!!! As always, Optional says more in a few lines than I can in a whole page.

    WDGann was right about you, my man!!!

    #44     May 6, 2003
  5. Exactly. He was elected.
    #45     May 6, 2003
  6. Rs8.5


    You are right. I think I even said essentially the same thing (different words) in my response to this same post. She definitely "adds up on paper". My problem with her is her apparent arrogance. I guess just a personal perception thing. But as for her politics and her work ethic, there is no more qualified person in the Senate right now. Too bad she has so much baggage. And too bad so many Clinton haters hate her because she was married to the guy (who, aside from his sexual indiscretions, was really quite a fine president IMHO). I know...Jerry Falwell has him tried and convicted of murder and drug smuggling, and probably worse. Get real! The price of being "public domain"....anyone can say anything they want about you, and you just have to grin and bear it. Doesn't seem fair, but it would be impractical to have it any other way. It ain't easy being President. Not ever. Not for anyone. Everyone loves Lincoln now, but really only for the past 20 years or so. He had to be dead for over 100 years to gain such popularity.

    #46     May 6, 2003
  7. Ya, when they interviewed Bush and Gore for the job of President, the overall majority of HR wanted Gore, but when they took a vote of HR managers, they wanted Bush.

    Hard to beat upper management, isn't it?
    #47     May 6, 2003
  8. Hillary might be technically qualified, but she has proven she will stand by a liar in the face of adversity......wait, perhaps that will be her best qualification, enabling a constitutional liar.

    The Clinton legacy must end, and some Democrat of moral fiber must rise up and lead the party.

    Just as it was necessary to purge Nixon and his cronies and bring in new blood, it is necessary, if the Democratic party wants to survive, to let go of the Clintons and move on.
    #48     May 6, 2003
  9. Rs8.5


    LOL...you are killing me tonight!!!

    I might add, Bush was the first Republican Presidential candidate that got 100% of the African American vote. Or at least the one that counted. Our old friend, Mr. Clarence (meet me at the water cooler and I'll tell you about something BIG) Thomas.
    #49     May 6, 2003
  10. Hey, some of my favorite people are democrats. Really! :)
    #50     May 6, 2003