Down Down Down Goes Obama Job Approval

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Oct 21, 2011.

  1. pspr


  2. Max E.

    Max E.


    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  3. [​IMG]


  4. Lucrum


    A new low.
  5. Ricter


    As low as he goes the nation still prefers him to any republican.
  6. Max E.

    Max E.

    What does "ABSS" mean?

  7. Ricter


    Oh, thought I had mentioned last week. Anyone but a supply sider.
  8. Lucrum


    Intrade currently has Obutthead at 48.4% chance of winning.

    Remember: BO stinks.
  9. Max E.

    Max E.

    Ahhhh i see..... i thought it meant "anyone but a stupid shit head" which would have meant you didnt want a president, given the the choices between the republican field or Obama. :D
  10. Ricter


    Lol, close. I don't think Obama is stupid, I think he is too conciliatory. He's a "nice guy".
    #10     Oct 21, 2011