DOW // DEBTS charts

Discussion in 'Trading' started by harrytrader, Apr 25, 2004.

  1. First the FED is already PRIVATE since you don't seem to know, second it doesn't change anything if it wasn't (John Law's bank wasn't private since it was the Royal Bank whereas his Monopoly on commerce was private) because the core of the problem is not private / public it is about flooding money in exchange of true money from people's tax and commerce monopoly. People see nothing until they need their money back then they crash the system because they won't render the money and the crash will be seen as fatality and the fault of the people and it is indeed nevertheless ignorance of people is not their fault: they have been brainwashed to believe the scam.

    #11     Apr 25, 2004
  2. The whole ebook is online

    This was from chapter 12
    Anybody who had chosen this moment to predict that the bull market was on the verge of a wild advance which would make all that had gone before seem trifling would have been quite mad-or else inspired with a genius for mass psychology. The banker who advised caution was quite right about financial conditions, and so were the forecasters. But they had not taken account of the boundless commercial romanticism of the American people, inflamed by year after plentiful year of Coolidge Prosperity.

    #12     Apr 25, 2004
  3. vak


    oh and as for the scam you keep refering too, i can hardly see one since nobody guarantees you agaisnt the market value of the note you are using (in most countries out of you free will), again as in any free society it is left to you to diversify.

    as for the curent (ever changing market fixed) value of the notes you are using it is "quoted' daily everywhere from Macdonald's to the wall stret journal so i think you can hardly complain about missinformation
    #13     Apr 25, 2004
  4. Oh you don't seem to know the mechanism of crash: it is rather conversion that should be used instead of the term diversification. Why do crash occur huh ? Because of this conversion precisely ! And that's why bubble rotates from Bonds to Stock Market and then from Stock Market to Real Assets and Gold. All these markets will crash one after another because they are feeded by the same Credits !

    #14     Apr 25, 2004
  5. vak


    nop the fed isn't a private institution.
    look harry, you obviously lacke some very basic economic knowledge hope you'll find the time to read a liitle/or somebody to explain further i'm sure there's plenty of syllabies available to read on these topics

    i for one lack the necessary time/patience and shall leave this disscussion

    i can assure you that these topics, at least at the basic level of understanding you seem to be stuck in, are fully covered in any undergrade political economics course nomatter where you are arround the world and that while sometime missunderstood by the genral public are very straite forward
    #15     Apr 25, 2004
  6. Do you think that I also should take into account today the "boundless commercial romanticism of the people" as said below (I erased American because the European is not really better :D) ?

    #16     Apr 25, 2004
  7. vak


    Do you think that I also should take into account today the "boundless commercial romanticism of the people"

    to the extend that one can, yes :D

    i must say, for one, it keeps amasing me how boundless it gets by the day :D

    let's hope for them history doesn't repeat itself :cool:

    i must say i did gave up trying to understand that, hope you'll be smarter...
    #17     Apr 25, 2004
  8. range


    debt is not a problem, until it is a problem.

    debt could suddenly become a problem due to a surprise -- like a perfect storm. higher interest rates, causing a higher debt service burden, could easily be a contributing factor.

    my questions are: 1) How can we position ourselves as traders to make money from a potential problem, and 2) How can we position our assets to survive potential debt problems?
    #18     Apr 25, 2004
  9. Hahahaha ! Really laughable ! You are confusing the nomination of members and the fact that the central bank is a PRIVATE ENTITY SO THAT EVEN CONGRESS CANNOT AUDIT THEM and that EVEN THE GOV CANNOT COUNTER THEIR DECISION ! So who has the real power of influencing the Economy more than the Gov ? The Central Bank. And who has interest to pump the max of tax from Public Money for Financial Interests ? The same Central Bank that's why Huge debts and increasing tax for the future generations is in the trend ! Tell me : are you naive to the point that if Bankers can profit from pumping a max of money since they have the power to do so morality will prevent them to do so ??? The Wall Street Scandals are just the surface of the Iceberg. The true Scandals will be in a few years but I doubt that people even know the reason behind when it will happen. They would pretend that it was fatality and so unpredictable.

    Instead of reading their basic FAQ you should rather read this one.


    88th Congress, 2nd Session

    9. Why is final control of economic policy a problem?

    Because with an "independent" Federal Reserve, Congress and the President can be moving in one direction while the Federal Reserve is moving in the other. The result is sometimes no policy at all. At other times, it leads to the Federal Reserve neutralizing the President's economic policies. This very possibility caused President Johnson to request the Federal Reserve in his 1964 Annual Economic Report to Congress not to nullify his efforts to reduce unemployment and raise incomes. Should the President have to ask any Government agency to go along with his policy as approved by Congress? Obviously not.

    #19     Apr 25, 2004
  10. You wana know who owns the FED guess :D

    Most Americans, if they know anything at all about the Federal Reserve,
    believe it is an agency of the United States Government.
    This article charts the true nature of the "National Bank."

    Chart 1
    Source: ** Federal Reserve Directors: A Study of Corporate and Banking Influence ** - - Published 1976

    See also
    The list of directors of Federal Reserve 2002

    #20     Apr 25, 2004