
Discussion in 'Economics' started by dozu888, Jan 13, 2020.

  1. dozu888


    ok I like this post, except 1 thing - reversion to mean is a statistical and logical fallacy. the data points drive the mean, not the other way around... you can graph a series of random numbers and you may or may not see reversion to mean.

    what is the mean position of the continents... they have never reversed to mean because the tectonic plates have never reversed.

    and I said before - this is a tectonic shift, going permanently to a low yield environment where the SP earning yield going to 3% which means 33 P/E which means 5000 fair value... even that 3% may get chased lower because the 10 year is at 1.8

    and the market action is shouting so loud I am a bit surprised tbh so few people are seeing this.
    #31     Jan 14, 2020
  2. dozu888


    right, how I wish to be a fly on the wall when them boys have their secret meetings...

    but, if you get good at the Situational Analysis (R) like I do, after some time you don't need to be the fly on the wall.... everything is already crystal clear... except some minor details like when exactly they will kick off a round of shaking the tree, but I am also getting good at even reading that to some level of accuracy.

    I am telling you, I am not some random guy who claims crystal ball...

    the problem is just when a few guys were brought to the edge to mortgage their houses here came doubters like you and they had to hang up with their mortgage broker.... sign, easy pile of cash and easy financial freedom down the drain.

    just imagine, white sand beaches, unlimited virgins and booze, all within reach, all you need to do is to mortgage the house...

    well - it's all fate.
    #32     Jan 14, 2020
  3. Nobert


    Yeah, happens ... :)
    Widowmaker ftw. And especially, the ,,visual benefits" of her body...
    I choose few FPS, specifically for those reasons, and some strategy games as well, like Starcraft 2, where pro levels reach up to 600 / 700 commands on keyboard per minute.
    Absolute workout for the brain.
    Ok Nobert out, went of topic, sorry.
    #33     Jan 14, 2020
    dozu888 likes this.
  4. LS1Z28


    I really like the advice you typically give of buying & holding QQQ or SPY long term, but I think this amount of leverage is unwise. Emotions destroy people when it comes to trading/investing. I doubt that most people would be able to hold through a significant drawdown after mortgaging their home.
    #34     Jan 14, 2020
    dozu888 and Nobert like this.
  5. d08


    I think it's all happening on the quiet promise that Trump will backstop the market even if in long-term it means completely destroying the economy. So it's definitely irrational exuberance in my opinion.
    #35     Jan 14, 2020
    Seaweed likes this.
  6. ironchef


    He is not a loser, he prints money for a living. %%% Not a prediction. Ask @murray t turtle. :cool::cool::cool::D:D:D:):):)

    I am waiting for him to buy an island with his trading profits and invite us to party there. :cool:

    On a serious note, his butterfly trades were brilliant! :thumbsup:
    #36     Jan 14, 2020
  7. ironchef


    I have heard that many time: This time it is different.

    It was always the same, eventually.
    #37     Jan 14, 2020
  8. notagain


    ES 3600
    Screen Shot 2020-01-14 at 12.34.22 PM.png
    #38     Jan 14, 2020
  9. wrbtrader


    He talked about mortgaging the house and then go all in QQQ and AAPL.

    Do you have charts for QQQ and AAPL instead of Emini ES futures ? :thumbsup:

    #39     Jan 14, 2020
  10. dozu888


    stop looking for confirmation after confirmation...

    mortgage the house... NOW!

    market aint waiting....

    are folks still not seeing this..... this is a race.

    a race of who calls the mortgage broker first.
    #40     Jan 14, 2020